According to the dictionary, the word "connect" means "to bring together or into contact so that a real link is established; to provide a link or relationship with someone or something; form a relationship or affinity with another; to associate with and relate."
Are we really connected? Today was a great example of what connection can be. We didn't have wi-fi coverage for a few days and we didn't even notice until Sunday morning in preparation for Worship Service. It was problematic to say the least when you have come to rely on this access for communication, technology, and other assorted things. For us, it was just an annoyance but for many, it ruins their lives and causes them to not be able to complete work related tasks and school assignments. For some, it completes hinder some from functioning. I personally think we're seeing the idea of connection all wrong. I love my smartphone and my laptop and my innovative big screen TV that I rarely get to watch but I was reminded today of something I should have already known. These things shouldn't have the capacity to ruin our day and make us forget how grateful we should be. Today, instead of giving in to our frustration and letting our emotions take control of everything, we adapted and did what so many before us did without access to the internet and wi-fi and other technological perks: We used our hands and lips and praised the Lord through it all. We were thankful, grateful, and communicative! The atmosphere was incredible and we didn't any other mode of connection except the only one that truly matters: Our connection with our Source for Life. Relationship.
How easily we forget, huh? Before we had USB cables and 120 volt outlets, we had Him. Before we had Droids, I-phones, and cordless microphones, we had Him. He was always there. It was and still is our responsibility to connect. See, I know how easy it is to start the morning checking our mentions on Twitter, our posts and comments on Facebook, emails, text, etc. I have to guard against this on a daily basis because I recognize the lure and the attraction to stay locked in to these "sources". We might be up to speed on what is happening in the world around us but we are totally disconnected where it matters most.
Romans 12:2 NLT reminds us "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
When we prioritize these kinds of connections in our lives and make them matter more than they should, we place ourselves at a disadvantage morally and spiritually. We began to hear so much of the world's ideas that we began to resemble what we hear. We are, in effect, conforming, which means basically "going against form". We're doing things using the world's blueprint and this is dangerous especially when this is the primary outlet that we plug our spirits into.
Anyone of us can be susceptible to these distractions if we're honest. The world around us will major in these minors more often than not. Walking/driving while texting is more prevalent than ever. If we took a poll, we might have 100% of these offenders that would admit that nothing they post, read, or games played on their phones is worth losing their lives. They know this but still continue to exhibit these behaviors. Sadly, the "religious" persons among us trust these things more than they trust God too. Their worship teams can't sing their sets because the lyrics to the songs are not on the projector screens and the teams are negligent in learning the songs during the week. The churchgoer has a hard time following the service because they don't bring Bibles to church and the projector screen is their sole way of knowing what the main scripture is for that message.
Now, either folks have divided loyalties to local ministry or they don't see it as a priority especially during the warmer months of the year. The outcome gained from these responses is a lukewarm approach to ministry and serving God. A passive and often reactive approach to ministry that keeps us on the outskirts of what God purposes for our lives. You may not believe this but some people believe they have as much right to God's promises as you do even though they refuse relationship with Him daily. Coming to church for Easter or once every month or so doesn't entitle us to any special blessing. God wants our hearts and He wants fellowship with us on a daily basis. He wants to shine through our lives so that those that are in our sphere of influence that are in spiritual trouble can be helped. What help are we if we are in the exact same predicament and even worse, we know where the answer is and won't tell those that need it?
The first part of the passage in Romans from earlier says a mouthful on this topic. Paul said in Romans 12:1 HCSB "I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual worship."
I'll end with this. I believe that everyone wants the same things such as peace, miracles, happiness, relationship, a touch from God, access, etc. The problem is that there is an argument about where to find these. Expecting a prophetic word, a miracle, or a "touch from God" but purposely showing a disregard for God's community and the gathering of His people will meet with failure. Some of these even feel that "worshipping God from home" is just fine with the Lord and he doesn't require any additional obedience or commitment. I call that a "minimalist religious theology". The bare minimum is just fine because God knows their heart. That's sad and inaccurate. God doesn't give prophetic words to people He doesn't want to change. Nowadays, all you have to do is talk the talk and dress the part and people will believe you're "connected" to the same Source we preach and sing and teach about. Presenting ourselves means picking up these bodies and the mess that comes with them and setting them in the midst of a Holy God that knows about our struggles and our thoughts and knows what we need. Even the thought of being disconnected from the Source of my life is too much to bear. Without consistent and genuine relationship, that is our eventual fate. I don't know what calls you away or what hurt you harbor in your hearts but if you see value in anything you have read, most importantly the Word of God, please get re-connected to a local ministry that teaches the Word of God and respects corporate worship. Get connected with people who believe these are important and exhibit a lifestyle that is faithful to this. And most of all, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. There is no authentic connection without that.
"Not forsaking the assembling ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25 KJV)
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth such fruit: for without me, you can do nothing. " (John 15:4-5)
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