Thursday, May 24, 2018

UniTEd wE sTAnd, DIVided We faLL

Good morning, America.

Your alarm went off this morning and you rose up from your warm pillow and you took a deep breath, yawned, and with outstretched arms, you got ready to embrace a brand new day of opportunity with dreams, goals, plans, and hopes for today and days to come.

We're inching towards Memorial Day Weekend where we are supposed to be giving honor to the fallen who have lost their lives in service to this country. It was not designed to be a platform for breaking out our new gas grills or to throw parties where we get drunk enough to debase and embarrass ourselves and our families. It is supposed to be a solemn respectful remembrance to those that made the most incredible of sacrifices to keep our country safe and to keep our liberties intact.

When you woke out of that bed, for those of you blessed enough to own one, you also may have given God thanks that you didn't wake up in a war zone (technically and hopefully), and you have healthy children, and you are not sick or in impoverished circumstances. There's so much to be thankful. Turning on the TV is probably part of your morning routine too and there you can find plenty of bad news but the one place where you used (emphasis) to go to avoid the normal bad news cycle is your national sports channel. Yesterday, you may have heard why this is no longer a safe space to just enjoy sports.

"The NFL will enact a national anthem policy for 2018 that requires players and league personnel on the sideline to stand but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they don't want to stand, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced Wednesday.

Under the change approved by team owners at the Spring League Meeting, individual clubs will have the power to set their own policies to ensure the anthem is being respected during any on-field action. If a player chooses to protest on the sideline, the NFL will fine the team. The player also could be fined by his team, NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport and NFL Network's Judy Battista reported." (Courtesy of
If you find yourself fearful or uninterested in chiming in on this topic, I understand. Every response reveals something about us and should be taken with the utmost seriousness and consideration. Quite frankly, the hypocrisy is thick in this situation. Many say the flag and fallen soldiers have been disrespected by a player kneeling or sitting during the anthem. Maybe so, unintended or not. It's been highly publicized that the flag code should be respected and never be broken because of what it represents. Pictures are worth a thousand words. At least, that's what I heard.

I won't rehash the obvious details such as whether we are experiencing patriotism or a strong-arming by powerful men concerned with the financial bottom line.

I won't offer many opinions on whether lost in this entire debate is the lives of young people who don't always deserve to die or be physically abused by law enforcement.

I also don't think I need to highlight the clear access that bigotry, prejudice, and politics have been given into the sport that we love so much. What I would like to do is explore the relationship between the owner and the players.

In all the discussion during the owners meeting, you will notice that the players themselves as well as some team staff, though directly affected by this situation, were not consulted or considered in the decision that was handed down. No invite. No input. It is called the "owner's meetings" for a reason but it would have repaired a major breach if the owners extended an olive branch to the players who are directly affected by any decisions made as well as the every day reasons there were even protests in the first place. 

For many of these players, this is their life and has been their every day struggle outside of the football field, where they possess some semblance of power and value and worth. It's likely one of the few places, excluding their personal households, where they feel that they bring something of value to the equation. They feel wanted, valued, and important in most cases. 

During these meetings, a silent but loud message was sent to the players that they were not thought of as any of those things, barring perhaps one West Coast based NFL owner in particular. They were the ones that produce on the field. They are the ones that execute the plays. They are the ones that do the job that garners championships and acclaim for franchises. But in cases like these, they are just employees and hired help, paid handsomely, but still hired help. Nothing is more important than the bottom line and it really showed once these meetings concluded. All this talk about flag codes and respect but how long will we look at the blatant hypocrisy of it all and call it out where it lies? It's hard for me to see how the relationship between the owners and the players (generally speaking) is not frayed beyond repair. It wasn't like players didn't already wonder how much owners cared. It's not much different than you in your workplace. Upper management tells you they care about your opinion and you matter to the company and sometimes you see signs of that evidenced. And sometimes you don't. It's usually pretty ambiguous and cloudy. Company wide surveys. Pizza days. Prize giveaways. Achievement awards. The signs that really matter come in those times when things are not going so well and there is an outcry for justice and fairness. Nobody remembers the hot slices of hand tossed pizza. No one remembers the gift card from Starbucks. They just remember the lack of response from those that said they cared or the company line used in hopes of quelling the noise.

There has always been a strange relationship between the owners and the players. I doubt it is different in any sport but football has always been a bit more unique than the rest. I don't know if there's a correlation but if 68% of your league is African American, having an "owner" that doesn't regard your cultural situation or your need to be viewed equally as important enough to listen to and engage, it sends a deeply distressing message. To many this is an old argument but if there is no progress, it remains old and bitter.

In my humble example, this would be old and negative history and it would mean nothing in today's view had the owners possessed a heart of understanding rather than choosing to emphasize control. Easy for me to say I suppose. I am not brokering billion dollar deals and raking in cash at the level they are. I don't understand their pressures or their pains. All I know is my own. Deep down, I was hopeful that this would be a great opportunity for those that didn't understand to finally attempt to. Imagine yourself as an NFL player in this climate and take race, politics, and the anthem protests out of the equation. As involved as I was in sports growing up and the avid fan that I am now, I know I can never understand this plight fully but I can't fathom that a player can ever look at ownership the same again. The player's association is going to fight this tooth and nail and they should. In fact, it's what they literally do for a living. No surprises there.

Despite the overtures spoken in locker rooms and closed door meetings, the ownership will never put you before its bottom line. That's clearly the case today and perhaps into the future. The player will always be just an employee working for his company. Maybe that's how it should be from a business standpoint. It just feels cold and callous in this social climate. At least to me.

But in my own crazy mixed up world, I dream of a time and space where people who have authority can have heart too. I hope for a time when money doesn't rise in importance above all else but love sits in the number one spot every week and is never unseated by greed. Sincere attempts to understand just trump the need to control and dictate in the lopsided world I live in. The ownership of the NFL came together and in this meeting, on this day, after all they have seen and heard, were still unable to unanimously agree that there was a responsibility to be taken. It just boiled down to business as usual. Let's just get back to playing football, right, guys?

68% sounds like a majority to me. So I would suggest that you did well attempting to get the ownership, who allegedly had your back to back you. That was unsuccessful. Now it's time to use your own money, your own name, and your own influence to create opportunities for your voices (and the collective voices of those who are not being heard) to finally be heard. I am almost positive it will amount to more than 68%.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

GenEraTioN nEXt

If you have listened to me for any amount of time, you know I am a firm believer in thinking generationally. To be clear, it essentially means to consider how our actions affect others BEFORE we do them and not wait until AFTER we are facing consequences that we consider this. Might be easier said than done but look no further than your local newspaper or your Internet homepage to see the devastation in our world and how it affects the generations to come. We need to, at least, ponder the thought.

So many bad calls. So many unfortunate decisions. So many words and actions that we can't take back once they're said and made. So many lives shattered, seemingly beyond repair. WHAT IF.....

America, America
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea

I came across a picture this morning that stirred my angst about where we are as a nation. I won't post the picture for several reasons but the uppermost reason is because I just don't want to look at it every day. Every day that I log on to answer your questions or read your comments, I'd have to see that disturbing image and I would rather not subject myself or my readers to that. It is view-able online if you wish to see it but the gist is there are four "mature" women at a rally of some kind with white t-shirts and a word in red right in the center that together spells out "Make America White Again". A small child stands next to them with the word "Trump" on her shirt.

Now I am positive this isn't your first rodeo. You've seen these kinds of sentiments before. Perhaps you even ascribe to them and would rather not have anyone that is non-white in "your" country. There is a picture that is likely linked to this in a meme that has a Native American woman's picture above the words "America Wasn't White Before."

Again, I reiterate this is probably not your first time viewing a meme or picture relating to the Trump administration but the little girl in the Trump t-shirt is what caught my eye and drew my ire. Almost in the same way, the little boy or girl that would be standing with their parents while an African American man is being lynched as a main event of their Friday evening. This child can't possibly understand fully the ramifications of this. That's too much unfair weight onto the shoulders of a child with their whole future ahead of them. Even if one of the four ladies was her parent, she can't possibly fathom what the consequences are for such clear hate speech and vitriol. How could she?

She'd have to be able to see into the future and follow the lifespan and subsequent effect of every word that she speaks, every action that she takes, and see the manifestation of every thing spoken or done in her life by those with influence and proximity. Again, how could she? How could any of us really? We throw theoretical rocks (the words we speak) every day and never take any thought for where the stones land. And we do it with pride and consistency.

America, America
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

I can only suggest that a small amount of consideration is enough to change the trajectory of a life, even if only for a moment. Bigotry, to me, is a stupid person's disease because it leaves out reason, compassion, and it blatantly refuses to consider what is clearly evident. It cripples the user and destroys its victims. It is cancerous, poisonous, and merciless. It lives and feeds off of the perception that anyone that doesn't look like the bigot is irrelevant, inconsequential, or just have no intrinsic value. It is nonsensical to thieves to forcibly break into another person's home, steal or destroy all their prized possessions, assault the household members, deem the entire household savages and unfit to live then murder the entire household, and then claim that the entire household is theirs by right, because they used trickery to gain access and simply overpowered the homeowners. That sounds like the definition of savage to me but I digress. There are consequences for everyone on both sides of that scenario. Think about it.

An old pastor of mines used to love to talk to us about the "24 hour rule", which I found intriguing at first. If you walk past the window of a department store and you see an outfit or piece of electronics that you think you just have to have, instead of making the common impulse buy, you wait. Wait for 24 hours and if you still feel the same about it and deem it a wise investment, you should go back and buy it.

How much different could the world we live in be if we waited 24 hours and consider as many ramifications as we could imagine before we decided to do that thing? Is it possible that we would spare a life, perhaps even our own? Might we make a workplace better or a family stronger? Would race relations be exponentially better? Would powerful government be forced to listen to its country's voices? Would the next generation be wiser and more compassionate? 

America, America
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!

The Bible offers multiple examples of generational consequences such as Exodus 34 where crimes committed by one generation had an effect on generations later, even touching the third and fourth generation. I doubt that Adam or Eve recognized eating of a piece of forbidden fruit would make your life a little more difficult and your road to prosperity a little longer. We have the inherent ability to pass on our bad habits, our flawed thinking, and much more to the generations to follow. In actuality, we have that much power. We just don't use it very wisely. Pick an affliction. Pick a moral shortcoming. Pick something from the underbelly of our country, or our world. There's so many to choose from. What we do today has the power to affect our tomorrow. Good or bad.

The words "we", "they", and "us" are often used interchangeably but honestly, we need to ask ourselves this one question:

What is MY personal responsibility to the next generation? What will I teach them? What will I give them? How can I help them? The world is watching.....and waiting......

"America The Beautiful" - Words by Katharine Lee Bates 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

DeAr FaNTasY FooTbaLL

Dear Fantasy Football,

Where do I start? I can't lie. We have had some amazing times together. It has been twelve years that you and I have been joined at the hip. I know you can sense it too. Something definitely has changed recently. I had a lot to think about.

2018 has been a year that has been different than any of the twelve years prior. I used to rise up at 4 a.m. and grab my laptop to get a jump on my league opponents on the waiver wires and free agency. I would listen to sports radio all day and almost have my cell phone glued to my hand, waiting for the next update or piece of sports gossip that might give me an edge over everyone else. Then I would be up into the wee hours of the morning in a dark room, staring at my laptop, combing through depth charts, team pages, and articles by so called fantasy experts, hoping to find the next sleeper, who will take me to another championship run. I honestly barely paid my wife and kids any attention. I was lost in a sea of statistics. Strangely, I became satisfied with that.

My fantasy football leagues shot up from two to ten total in my second year and threatened to go even higher. I used to laugh and criticize my buddies who had twenty leagues. One guy I know still has twenty two leagues. I never understood how that could be managed and maintained. It can't be without a great deal of sacrifice. I laid many important things on that altar of sacrifice. I cut important phone calls short and blew off critical appointments just to stay locked in to a sport that had my whole life in a vise grip. I couldn't even go to the supermarket to get groceries because I was worried about setting my roster or checking the injury reports. Even to this day, my head is a sea of useless statistical information that doesn't amount to much more than making me sound knowledgeable. Other than that, it has no true intrinsic value.

I played this "game" with my entire self and in twelve years, I have won 5 championships, went to 2 title games and lost, and have been in the playoffs 9 of the 12 times in every kind of fantasy league from Two-Quarterback leagues, Auction leagues, Standard, PPR, All Defense league (or IDP), 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 team leagues, in practically any kind of format you can imagine. You name it and I have played it with a 75% success rate. All of the study, research, and invested time paid off but at what cost? An impassioned plea from my wife made me step back and look at myself a little closer. I was sitting in front of a 70" TV cheering for the Patriots, the Eagles, or even our dreaded rivals, the Cowboys. I leaped out of my seat for individual players that were scoring against my favorite team. It was clear to me that I have went off the rails. Football stopped being fun for me and the whole process got weird.

I never understood why so many of my friends got out of the game entirely and say they are totally enjoying the freedom from the pressure of fantasy football. They are just enjoying the sport they love more than any other. It was hard to fathom. I thought they were nuts. I went from 10 leagues in 2010 down to 5 in 2013 to 3 leagues in 2016. Last year, I played in 2 due to a self imposed maximum limit. This year, I don't have a fantasy football league in waiting. I am still get phone calls and text messages and IM's asking for fantasy advice and that's cool. It humbles me that people even ask after all these years. I can't help wonder if I'll even field a fantasy football team at all this year.

To be honest and transparent, I still think one day I could have one fantasy football league with longevity, full of friends that I actually know and that actually love football as much as I do. I believe that is the best kind of league. It transcends the sport and puts friendship back in proper perspective. There's a good chance I may never find that dream situation and that's fine. I miss what it is like to just enjoy my favorite sport with no strings attached. I write this letter not totally sure if I will ever play again. I know everybody opines about how great they are at this game but I was really good at it. I still am good at it. I had a knack for making the right moves, the right trades, the right waiver wire pickups, and even knowing when to fold and not make any deals. It's something I did well but it changed me somewhere along the way.

In my humble opinion, if you play more than two fantasy leagues, you not only stretch yourself too thin but I believe you begin to lose respect for the process and the point of the whole game. If you're playing it for financial reasons, you are doing it wrong. You're better off playing the lottery. How fun can it be to have ten leagues and lose a twenty dollar investment in each league? Think about it. That could be a problem.

I'm not sure what this football season will hold and if I will ever find that dream situation or accept it once I find it but I do know one thing: This is one obsession that no longer has control over me. 2017 was the first year that I just had fun. I had two leagues but it never took precedence over the important things. I had my priorities in order and it felt wonderful. I was free in my mind for the first time in years. I could stop playing fantasy football for good but I wouldn't trade the friendships I developed. That was the best part.

Fantasy football taught me a lot of hard lessons. Maybe now I'm liberated enough to teach someone else.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

ThE WoRld fROm YouR WinDOw - 5/8/18

Good morning, friends and family. 

It's hard to not be a little introspective when you look at all that is happening in our world. I want to start a new feature that I will be doing periodically on "Mirror Time". What I am hoping I can get your help with is the interaction. I want to open up dialogue on the issues that plague, upset, or confuse us in our world. As usual, there are certain types of behavior that will not be tolerated under any circumstances but I am hoping for thoughtful discussion, self-reflection, and perhaps some solutions. I don't claim to have any answers or an avenue to get your answers to others but I believe within our sphere of influence, there is opportunity to change our world, one person, one issue at a time.

So with that being said, I would like to present to you "The World From Your Window", a compilation of prevalent news stories and world issues that I hope we will be bold enough to speak to after we read these. Please fully utilize the comments section with your thoughts and opinions. I'd love to hear how you view things in your world and in our world. Before we're done, hopefully, you will see that sometimes there is a difference between the two.

So how does the world look from your window?


A man who stopped by the side of the road to take a selfie with an injured bear was then mauled to death by the same bear. Researchers have found that between march 2014 and September 2016, there were 127 deaths related to selfies. 76 occurred in India.


This is another tragic incident where nature and humanity collide. I'm still puzzled by the infatuation of selfies. The dangers of this are clearly in front of us but the practice seems to be on the rise despite said dangers. I know this is how we commemorate special events but some of this behavior is excessive, narcissistic, and flat out dangerous. Case in point. What do you think about the selfie craze? Where do you see us heading as a society because of this? Is this, in your opinion, harmless fun, or something more troubling? Are you a proud member of the "selfie generation"? Let's talk about it.



Admittedly, there will be certain stories in this feature that will get to me personally. I think this will be one of them. Like many of you, we watch as guilty people get off on a technicality or a very slanted jury pool or we just see the guilty go unpunished for their crimes. I don't know if this situation is any or neither but this story should rub everyone the wrong way. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the original Trayvon Martin case for context or just this story on its own merits. I'm disturbed that Mr. Zimmerman seems to still exhibit certain tendencies that suggest something is not quite okay in how he views the world around him. Please share your thoughts with us. We'd love to hear your honest opinions. 


(Source: HLN video on Morning Express With Robin Meade:

Does this story scare you away from taking that family cruise every year? With the amount of money you pay for food and accommodations, what should you expect for your investment? I actually heard that the cruise officials had their house band playing the music from the scene in the movie Titanic as the waters billowed into the cruise ship. That's unsubstantiated at this time but that is a very unpleasant thought for a lot of reasons. Thoughts?



This is one of those topics that I could opine on all day long because I have lived through some of this but the floor is yours. I caution you that no matter what side of the argument you find yourself on, this is not indicative of the church as intended. You will probably find the paragraph about the 2014 sermon detestable as well so I urge you to prepare yourself. I'll just leave you with a section to ponder but please read the entire article and comment here. 

"The uproar was prompted by the release about 10 days ago of the recording of an interview Patterson gave in 2000 in which he counseled women who have been physically abused by their husbands to pray for them. In that interview, Patterson recounted how he had given that advice to one woman who had been repeatedly assaulted by her husband. Returning some days later with two black eyes, the woman said, "I hope you're happy."

"I said, 'Yes, ma'am, I am happy,'" Patterson quoted himself as telling the woman. "What she didn't know when we sat in church that morning," he said, " was that her husband had come in and was standing in back, first time he ever came."



Are women safe in India? Why is there a need for them to be protected? What is the government doing or what should they do? This story has so many layers that I feel uncomfortable trying to speak to it in a few sentences. I would never want to marginalize the plight of the women in this region. This article offers more than one view on the discussion that I urge you to read thoroughly. Honestly, I heard some things that I had not even thought about. It was a fresh perspective, albeit, disturbing but I want to spark the discussion with all of our readers. 

Whether you are a woman or not, whether you have never experienced this kind of pain and fear or not, even if your experience base on all things global only goes as far as your local newspaper or news channel, I caution to read this particular piece with care and consideration. Don't speed through it. Don't give it a passing glance. Read it and listen. Hear what the people are saying and what they are not saying. Very profound. This is about rape. This is about fear. This is also about privilege. And this is also about ignoranceThanks for reading and commenting on this very tragic issue.



Sigh. I feel as though we are re-circling the same wagon with stuff like this. But it highlights where we are as a nation, more so than where we proclaim ourselves to be. By now, you likely have already heard the story. Some of you may have already declared that you have heard enough. Some of you may think you have heard too much. Hmm. Imagine how some people may feel. Just for a moment. 

Two babies in the same crib crying loudly. Both of them are hungry. A parent brings some food for one, which immediately stops crying but not for the other, who cries even louder. Tell me the optics on that scenario. How about two families in a burning fire with twelve men rushing over to help. One family has five members, three of which are children. The other family has two grown adults. All twelve men rush over to help the two adults but no one helps the family of five which all perish in the fire. Sound about right? 

How does a story like the above make you feel? What would you like to see happen if you could have your way? What was wrong? What was done properly? What's your experience with this issue if any? How would honestly you feel if your son or daughter was on the receiving end of this incident? Why does that response change because it is not your son or daughter? Think it out. Share it with us. That's the first step in dealing with this harsh reality.

This is the first of many installments of "The World From Your Window". Can't wait to hear your thoughts and comments. Thank you again for subscribing.

(Note to our new subscribers: You will only get an email for a new blog post. Other than that, I won't be flooding your inbox with stuff. Promise.)

Thursday, May 3, 2018


I, owner and originator of Mirror Time with Mr. Yu, and natural born citizen of the United States, in order to offer a more interesting read and perhaps make someone think rather than react to headline grabbing posts and titles, vow to keep it real and be thoughtful and not reactionary, and focus on the content and not the incendiary headlines, with the goal of encouraging, inspiring, and, perhaps, connecting with my fellow Human brothers and sisters, and help solidify my refusal to confirm to what blogs often become and continue to promote self-reflection and self examination, stand up for what's just and speak up for those that perhaps cannot. I aim to hopefully provoke thought, inspired action, and maybe a push for a little more love to a world that sorely needs it. I aim to remind us and myself that we can do and be better but it starts with us and the "person in the mirror" first. God bless the United States of America. May His grace and mercy be evident now more than ever.

Maybe what comes next is not rambling but I got a lot on my mind. I'll let you be the judges. 

Does anybody ever wonder if we are really being controlled by the media? I'm starting to really have some questions about this. When the Kanye West situation hit, it was the first thing that my wife told me about when I got home. We are not fans of his music and not super engulfed in popular culture but it was a hot topic in our home, for at least, twenty minutes. How did this madness get into my household? How is it possible that a news story can make the internet go wild and cause the message boards to be inflamed with hate, frenzy, and all manners of vitriol? How is it possible that everyone races to their keyboards when the President of the United States says something off the charts? I'm old enough to remember when something happened in the news, I would pick up the phone and call a family member and a friend. Now we post public messages to people we barely know. Hmm. Does the media really have that much control over us? I'm asking you.

If you have been paying attention, you know how much I love football. I believe I have my priorities in order since my wife and kids and grand-kids are higher on the priority list. There are quite a few things higher than football tbh. But I do love this sport and to see it become increasingly intertwined by social issues and politics is a bit unsettling. Truthfully, it was bound to happen. Research the landmark decision in 2015 and you might get a view of how much our beloved sport changed for the worse.

Maybe you do but most of us don't have an underground bunker. We might scoff at some of the recent news stories but are we really prepared for a nation to fire a missile into United States airspace? Not a laughing matter if you think about it.

Four years later, how we doing, Flint, Michigan? Yep.

Ever since I can remember, there was always a rumor that there are already cures for every major disease worldwide. They are just being "withheld" to test the rapid effects of sicknesses and diseases. Or maybe somebody just has a "Thanos" complex. *shrugs*

It used to be a definite no-no to make fun of the mentally and physically handicapped. But this is 2018. All good. ðŸ˜’

Going back to more media thoughts. Were you aware that 100 people as well as innumerable livestock died in India due to dust storms and lightning today? The families of the dead will get about $6,000 (or 400,000 rupees).

Think you'll be alive to see an image of Harriet Tubman on the twenty dollar bill? Would you call that cultural progress or a concession?

Only the Oakland Raiders would be irresponsible enough to draft a player (even though he's BLUE) that could literally die on the field from a heart condition they were well aware of. SMH. #MauriceHurst #LifeAndFamilyTrumpsFootball

I know this busts many bubbles but just because one stands up for the anthem and sings every word, it doesn't automatically make you patriotic or more so than the next guy. I venture to say that many of those that claim to be patriotic do, say, and believe some things that are un-American and far from patriotic. Who am I talking about? Heck, they're not hard to find. They're right on your TV most every day. 

Hummus milkshakes are coming. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Thanks for listening. Keep talking. Keep thinking. And definitely keep listening.

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MiRRor TimE WiTh MisTAyu - InTrO

Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...