Thursday, May 3, 2018


I, owner and originator of Mirror Time with Mr. Yu, and natural born citizen of the United States, in order to offer a more interesting read and perhaps make someone think rather than react to headline grabbing posts and titles, vow to keep it real and be thoughtful and not reactionary, and focus on the content and not the incendiary headlines, with the goal of encouraging, inspiring, and, perhaps, connecting with my fellow Human brothers and sisters, and help solidify my refusal to confirm to what blogs often become and continue to promote self-reflection and self examination, stand up for what's just and speak up for those that perhaps cannot. I aim to hopefully provoke thought, inspired action, and maybe a push for a little more love to a world that sorely needs it. I aim to remind us and myself that we can do and be better but it starts with us and the "person in the mirror" first. God bless the United States of America. May His grace and mercy be evident now more than ever.

Maybe what comes next is not rambling but I got a lot on my mind. I'll let you be the judges. 

Does anybody ever wonder if we are really being controlled by the media? I'm starting to really have some questions about this. When the Kanye West situation hit, it was the first thing that my wife told me about when I got home. We are not fans of his music and not super engulfed in popular culture but it was a hot topic in our home, for at least, twenty minutes. How did this madness get into my household? How is it possible that a news story can make the internet go wild and cause the message boards to be inflamed with hate, frenzy, and all manners of vitriol? How is it possible that everyone races to their keyboards when the President of the United States says something off the charts? I'm old enough to remember when something happened in the news, I would pick up the phone and call a family member and a friend. Now we post public messages to people we barely know. Hmm. Does the media really have that much control over us? I'm asking you.

If you have been paying attention, you know how much I love football. I believe I have my priorities in order since my wife and kids and grand-kids are higher on the priority list. There are quite a few things higher than football tbh. But I do love this sport and to see it become increasingly intertwined by social issues and politics is a bit unsettling. Truthfully, it was bound to happen. Research the landmark decision in 2015 and you might get a view of how much our beloved sport changed for the worse.

Maybe you do but most of us don't have an underground bunker. We might scoff at some of the recent news stories but are we really prepared for a nation to fire a missile into United States airspace? Not a laughing matter if you think about it.

Four years later, how we doing, Flint, Michigan? Yep.

Ever since I can remember, there was always a rumor that there are already cures for every major disease worldwide. They are just being "withheld" to test the rapid effects of sicknesses and diseases. Or maybe somebody just has a "Thanos" complex. *shrugs*

It used to be a definite no-no to make fun of the mentally and physically handicapped. But this is 2018. All good. ðŸ˜’

Going back to more media thoughts. Were you aware that 100 people as well as innumerable livestock died in India due to dust storms and lightning today? The families of the dead will get about $6,000 (or 400,000 rupees).

Think you'll be alive to see an image of Harriet Tubman on the twenty dollar bill? Would you call that cultural progress or a concession?

Only the Oakland Raiders would be irresponsible enough to draft a player (even though he's BLUE) that could literally die on the field from a heart condition they were well aware of. SMH. #MauriceHurst #LifeAndFamilyTrumpsFootball

I know this busts many bubbles but just because one stands up for the anthem and sings every word, it doesn't automatically make you patriotic or more so than the next guy. I venture to say that many of those that claim to be patriotic do, say, and believe some things that are un-American and far from patriotic. Who am I talking about? Heck, they're not hard to find. They're right on your TV most every day. 

Hummus milkshakes are coming. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Thanks for listening. Keep talking. Keep thinking. And definitely keep listening.

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