Sunday, October 29, 2017

AnY GivEN SUNday

What if Jesus Christ returned on a Sunday? What would He see?

These first two questions were all I can think about this morning. I was almost literally in a daze thinking about my approach for this day. It wasn't robotic or methodical but I stepped into this day with a laser focus. Every step I took was heavily evaluated. Every word I spoke, even the most simplest of salutations was strongly considered. I opened my eyes and hopped out of bed, tired but fixated on being in the right alignment for whatever the Lord had in store for me today. I couldn't even fathom being out of the will of the Lord today. Why was today so special? What made this Sunday so much more critical than any other day of my week? It wasn't necessarily. It was just the first day that I got "it". I got what we, as believers, are supposed to be fixated on every single day of our walk. Instead so many of us just focus on today, Sunday. (*Please read my earlier blog piece, "Church Clothes" and the point will be shared in much greater detail.*)

Sundays, for some, are a restart because their entire week was front loaded on self and very little attention or focus on the reason they had such grace in the first place. They're an opportunity to see their friends and meet new people. They're a reminder of who they are and to whom they belong. They're a day of rest that means a visit to the beach, a trip to the mall for a day of shopping, or maybe a nice brunch downtown. Sometimes it means any and everything but what is the norm for a believer.

For me, I need to be in the right place. I thought I always felt that way but today was different. I needed to adjust and adapt to what was being revealed to me. It was very important that I responded and did so quickly. I look around me and I see so many things that can't possibly please God because His Words don't confirm them. So many small but subtle seeds that get planted that can't likely grow anything good. So much disrespect for authority. So many bold moves that scream flesh and "me, me, me". So many puffed up chests and prideful boasts. Words attributed to God that don't sound like His voice. Servants that view ministry as something someone else should be doing because they are too busy to get involved. I see those that love to "out-praise" you but they are loathed to "out-serve" you. I see friends whose personal lives and businesses are going well and they're making great profits and everything is well. They won't admit it out loud but their actions suggest they prefer to live life on their terms and not for the purpose of the One that gives them life to live. I see all that stuff all the time but ultimately I am solely responsible for not only what I know but how I respond to what I know.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1-2 NKJV)
Paul was asking the brothers to consider the mercies that they were already beneficiaries of and align themselves with what God, who gave those benefits, desired of them. All Paul is saying here, in military terms, is align your life with what you already say you believe. Assume the position. Maintain responsibility. Present yourself daily before your commanding officer and receive your instructions.

What if Jesus Christ returned on a Sunday? What would He see?

Would He find His beloved children sleeping in the pews? Would He find His beloved children in a compromising position? Would He find His beloved children in worship to another god? Would He find His beloved children texting someone or looking at You-tube videos when the word of God is being preached? Would He find His beloved children slumbering at home because they partied too much the night prior? Would He find His beloved children immediately following the biggest mistake of their lives? Would He find His beloved children right in the moment of true repentance? How would He find us?

I think I can guess how these two questions make many people feel. This probably gives comfort to may of my readers. I mean, they are probably avid churchgoers so if the Lord returns on a Sunday, they would be in a great place, right? What better place to be than the house of the Lord? I have been to many churches that are large in number, even perhaps considered a mega-ministry and have tentacles all over the world with huge television and radio deals and daily advertising and all the clout you can imagine. They are constantly building and growing in number but their programs are more important than their people and more importantly, their souls.

If He returned on Sunday, what would He see? If He returned on Monday, what would He see? What would He hear come out of your mouth early that morning? If He returned on Tuesday, what would He see? How about Wednesday, what would He see? What if He came on Thursday, what would He find you doing? Perhaps He returned on Friday. What would His eyes behold His children doing that day? If He returned on Saturday, would that heighten your chances to be found doing well?

And this is where I landed early this morning before the sun rose. This is where I was left laying under the power of what I received. Every single day in any month in any year could be the day. Some look for signs. I cannot. If I was to expire unexpectedly, there is no further opportunity to look for signs. My "day of the Lord" would have already come and my "earthly account" would be closed. I cannot say goodbye. I cannot try to fix what I broke. I cannot hit the reset button. The account is closed, the balances are tallied up and my destination has been decided. My calendar will be of no further consequence. My life is whisked away into that sweet forever and into the hands of a just God. 

Right in the neighborhood live two young girls who I would describe as "latchkey kids". They come home from school by themselves and their parents don't get home for a couple hours after they do. I am sure they were given instructions to finish their homework and do some short list of chores until their parents return. What they actually do is not likely to be part of that list. The girls leave the house and stand outside in the driveway or sometimes in the road and they dance provocatively as onlookers drive by. They do this routinely with an eye towards the end of the street. When they see their parents' vehicle get to the stop sign, they race inside and shut the door, presumably to start doing their homework. Quite the analogy huh? They forsake the instructions given and do what feels right, always with their eyes out for a sign that "Daddy" is coming home. That's a risky way to live for those little girls and for us as well. Any given Sunday, or alternative day of the week, could be the day. How do you prefer to be found by the Master?

You can speak for yourself but I personally will never see a Sunday or any other day quite the same again. My service, my walk and my approach to it are irrevocably changed. The way I view relationships has changed. The way I view how I utilize the time I have been blessed with has changed. The way I see and respond to the grace of God has changed. And I couldn't be more grateful.

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods. But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24:45-51 NKJV)

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Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...