(Note from the editor: This is not designed to mimic any previously told stories or to convince our readers that this is fiction or non-fiction. We'll let you decide how you feel about the story and you can share those thoughts in our comments section. Hopefully, this will do what most of our posts have been doing and that is even if you laugh, even if you cry, or even if you get angry, it will always make you think.)
One cool but sunny Sunday morning in the heart of the city, a handful of members began to file in through one of the side doors of the church to get ready for the day's service. It was clear that no one notices a man in a dark overcoat and a tattered hat huddled at the front door of the church. He sat there for more than an hour before any one noticed he was there on the porch, leaning against the wall of the building. Some of the members, arriving with their families, looked over at him and even pointed but no one approached.
Very close to the start of the service, the front door of the church was opened from the inside and members and visitors alike began to enter the front door of the church, some looking down at the mystery man huddled near the door and some not acknowledging him at all.
One of the leaders came out of the door and asked the man what he was doing. The man didn't respond initially. The leader asked him to please move away from the door so that the visitors can come inside.
One visitor and her young daughter walked through the front door of the church and the little girl stopped and looked into the eyes of the disheveled man and then they walked inside.
Another leader came outside to greet the members and guests and he stood a few feet away from the man and asked him what his name was. The man didn't respond. The leader shook his head and continued to stand at the door to greet people who entered the church. Another greeter came out to him and they both stood at the door greeting but none further acknowledging the man.
The Pastor stepped outside and saw the man huddled at the door. He crouched down and asked the man if he needed anything or we could help him. The man didn't respond. The Pastor told the man that he could come inside if he wants to and that we would be honored to have him. He then went back inside and left the man outside. The leaders that were standing outside greeting looked over at the man and continue to greet the guests and members.
After about fifteen minutes, all of the greeters went inside and the man remained outside, sitting on the ground next to the front door.
Inside the church, praise and worship had just concluded and the Pastor stood up with His Bible in his hand as he approached the front of the room. He asked everyone within earshot one question.
"Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord", he asked.
Almost everyone in the congregation nodded in agreement or responded verbally with an "Amen".
He shook his head and scanned the room and asked another question.
"Do you believe that the Word of God and every account in it is true?" he asked everyone with a slightly louder voice.
The response from the congregation was identical to the first.
He put his Bible down onto the podium next to him and asked yet another question.
"How many of you saw the man sitting at the front door this morning?"
The congregation began to rustle in their seats with some nodding as if to say yes. But there was not any verbal responses to this question. Many dropped their heads or looked away from the glare of the Pastor. There was a long and uncomfortable silence before the Pastor said anything further.
The Pastor opened his bible and began to read from Hebrews 13:2. He said, "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have show hospitality to angels without knowing it."
He then closed the book and one of the young children darted out of the service and into the hall. He quickly opened the front door and looked around for the man but could not find him. The young man ran back into the church and looked at the Pastor.
"The man is gone!", he yelled across the room. "I can't find him."
The young man appeared confused and very concerned. The people in the pews began to grow unsettled as the grumbling and mutterings can be heard throughout the room.
The Pastor shook his head and looked around the room watching the confusion began to build. He wiped one of his eyes and became emotional as he held his head down.
"I think we all need to re-evaluate some things. I'd like to know what you guys are thinking right now.", he says as he waits for responses.
"I thought he was homeless. I can't give him a place to stay so I....."
"I've seen this before. I just figured he didn't want anything. He didn't say a word."
"The church is not very big right now. I wonder why he showed up here."
"I used to be homeless and it brought back really bad memories for me."
"If they were still there after service was over, I was thinking about giving them some money."
"I didn't know what he wanted. He kind of scared me."
"With all the church shootings lately, I didn't know what to think."
One young woman stood up and was fighting back tears as the Pastor and then the entire congregation turned to her as she spoke.
"I don't know what to say.", she muttered as she began to weep again. "I saw the man or the angel or whomever he was. I'm new here but I have heard the Word for years but I just didn't know what I should do. I just figured one of the leaders would talk to him or try to help him. It was so strange but...I felt like I knew him from somewhere. He was sooooo familiar."
The room grew strangely quiet. The young lady sat down and dropped her head as did any in the room that heard her words. The Pastor looked up and walked up the aisle and walked through the front door as the entire congregation turned around with the eyes fastened on the front door of the church. He walked back into the sanctuary with the man right behind him. He walked up to the front of the room as did the man that was huddled outside the front door of the church all morning.
"He should be familiar to all of us, not just because we're Christians but because we should especially know those that labor here with us.", the Pastor said as he looked at the young lady who spoke as well other members of the church.
The man opened his coat and took off his hat as the entire congregation gasped and the young lady stood up onto her feet, with her hand over her mouth, gasping. She began to weep even more as did several members of the congregation.
The Pastor asked one more question.
"Do we know love when we see Him?"
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