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Only a few days into the brand new year, we had ourselves an unprecedented winter storm event. Unprecedented because it rarely ever happens in the Holy City but it certainly did and in a big way. More than 7 inches of snow, ice, hail, sleet, and more than 1,000 accidents on the roads and highways locally. In a place like Charleston, because this kind of event is...well, an event and not the normal for January, it rocks the city to its foundations and causes a ripple effect of change that shakes up everything. Where I'm from, you just put some rock salt down and you keep going, you keep working but here it's different.
Most people revel in the fact that they don't have to go to work and still get paid for it. Many are just glad they don't have to go to school that day. Some would just like to catch up on sleep. This massive amount of snow brought the entire city to a grinding halt. We were not prepared for it and we didn't have the know-how to handle it. We are just in the midst of an epic event. For me, this event brought my life to a grinding halt too. Just in a different way.
These kind of "events" don't announce themselves. They don't come with much warning. They just happen. As much havoc and chaos as this storm has caused this city and the lives that were affected by this tragedy, this storm made me totally stop and reflect. I couldn't drive anywhere. I didn't make many phone calls. I didn't scour social media much. No distractions from work or business. Just me and my thoughts. For some throughout the U.S., this is normal and happens every winter like clockwork but for some, this was life-changing.
Going into the new year is often met with resolutions and big, bold proclamations. How many people really took the time to evaluate where they are in this life and where they really want to be? These "events" happen in life periodically but most times they are misread. We don't look at what we should be looking at. We just look at the external factors that seem to speak louder. But, in that, we tend to miss the little things. We need to look in the mirror!
How do you want to start this year? The way you start it is likely to be a factor in how it ends. Last year, we probably made huge mistakes. We misjudged people. We put our own wants above those that we say we loved. We were selfish. We were vindictive. We pointed fingers. We joined figurative lynch mobs and condemned people on social media. We made decisions without regard for its impact on others. We showed contempt and disrespect for authority. We lied to others and we lied to ourselves. We have compromised our beliefs and our faith. But here we are. Going into a brand new year. Hoping for a restart in 2018. Or just hoping to forget 2017.

Allow me to encourage you. Going into the new year ignoring what is the "elephant in the room" of your life is only going to make this year an extension of the one you want to leave behind so desperately. Face that mammoth beast. Look into the eyes of that elephant. Resist the temptation to make the same mistakes and react the same way. Take that step towards better. These life "events" have a peculiar ability of exposing what's wrong or deficient in our lives. These events have a way of revealing us. Now the question is do we want to see what is revealed.
You never know when you'll face another "event" in life. Take advantage of the opportunity to reflect. Who knows? It could change everything. Eventually, the snow or ice will melt and the seasons will change but the consequences of our decisions are much harder to get rid of. Choose well. Live better. Have a prosperous and blessed New Year.
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