Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Recently, I was encouraged to showcase some of my writing to a very well known and respected organization that supports ministers and pastors and promotes leadership and spiritual growth. I said sure why not. The title and some of the content is from the familiar piece here on Mirror Time 'Relationship over Religion', which was pretty popular when it was originally posted. I don't normally rehash any old articles but there is a real concern for me that those charged with the mandate to showcase Jesus are more concerned with being solo artists when a group is what is being advertised.

I have seen that take place on a literal stage a little over two decades ago. I was a member of a three man singing group that truly believed we were on the road to destiny and fame. We were slated to perform at a local college, which was our first event of that kind. We were performing in front of a crowd that was VERY slanted towards their hometown favorites and not very receptive to our music or "outsiders" in general. From the outset, we can tell that this was going to be a scene straight out of one of my favorite movies, "The Five Heartbeats". 

Every group that were not associated with the college were heckled and booed and there were some "technical" difficulties with their music, lighting, etc. We received the same treatment. The curtains wouldn't open and they played our music track at the wrong time. It was pretty much a catastrophe but what made matters worse was that one of our group members, frustrated with the way things were going, attempted to take over the performance and make the crowd love us with his voice. His voice wasn't that good. We were booed mercilessly before we could get going. I was honestly thinking the Sandman was going to come out like at the Apollo Theater. I actually understood that we wouldn't have been accepted no matter what we did. What I couldn't get past was that the team, while under immense pressure, broke rank, and became all about one person. That is something that should never happen. Yet, it happens every day in my world and probably in yours.

Here is some of what I submitted to that organization I was telling you about earlier. When you read it, you'll better understand the story I just shared and why this was relevant.


Do you KNOW God?

The word “know” speaks to familiarity. When you say you know someone, it implies you are familiar with them and knows their character. Or you are intimately acquainted with them. Basically, you know more than the person’s name and where they grew up. Relationship says “I know Him by His character.” Religion says “I have heard of Him or I know somebody that knows Him.”  

Some of my relatives say they know me too. We are related and share a bloodline but do they really know me? My character? My tendencies? My response to specific situations? I’m just the “Jesus Freak” to most of them but there’s so much more to me than that. I think we often view God in the same way. They don’t dig too far beyond the “Old Testament Fire and Brimstone” surface. They’ll just make assumptions from the little they think they know. That’s religion, not relationship! Think about this: If Saul only heard about Jesus from guys at his job rather than a face to face encounter with the Savior Himself, how would that have affected his ministry’s success along with more than half of the New Testament writings? Relationship did that.  

Everywhere we go and in circles of friends and acquaintances, we hear people who say they know God. They’ll quickly remind you that He is in their hearts or He knows their heart, particularly when challenged with their questionable behavior. Religion says “God knows my heart.”. Relationship is Jeremiah 17:9 prompting us to repent because God knows our hearts and how wicked they are. 

It is a fact that He knows everything about us! He knows the numbers of hairs upon our heads. He is never taken by surprise by our actions or inactions. It doesn’t mean that He accepts what He knows without a mandate for change. God loves us too much to leave us where we are. If we’re wallowing in the mud with the pigs, He is longing for us to come home that He might lavish His love upon us. God is all about relationship! It’s what he desired in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and it’s what He desires with you right now! 

The prodigal son stepped out on his own, made mistakes, but returned home with a humble heart, willing to even be a servant in his Father’s house rather than a son, if need be. He just wanted to be back home where he knew unconditional love dwelled. Religion says “I have done plenty to warrant much favor and my blessing”. Relationship says Jesus has done so much for me that I repay but I can make the most of this gift every day. 

I think as leaders, we waste precious time and hinder so many people because we directly or indirectly teach “doing” rather than “being” in many Christian circles. With relationship, we have access to everything we need and the love we receive is unconditional. With religion, we have to work and earn and network to get what we think we need and it is conditional and results based.

Religion is easy and requires no true commitments or sacrifices. Relationship requires effort, time, and sacrifice. Can we put juice and poison into a bottle and then pour out only juice into a glass to drink? NO, of course not! The entire mixture is tainted as we learn from James 3:10-11 and is no good for anyone. Religion taints everything it touches. Relationship covers it all.

Honestly, we have an unhealthy luxury to cross that same "religious" bridge over and over from discipline to being morally lax and we have become complacent. We have it easy when so many believers have but were willing to die for what they believe in. We use faith as a punchline or a convenient alibi when we get into mischief. It's a travesty and as much as I am a staunchly against burning down bridges, this is one instance where the bridge needs to be demolished. As long as we have that option, we will almost take it most times. We will take for granted the grace we'e been given. We will forget the cost that was paid that allows us to do what we do. We won't appreciate or teach our children and grand children to appreciate what we have been blessed to have. Millions of people cross that bridge every Sunday and then after service, head back across that bridge to the comfort of loving, serving, and worshipping God in theory, rather than in practice. So if my vote means anything, I say burn it down and trust God every day. That place we keep retreating to is not healthy for us or the generations to come.

The Bible says that “Today is the day of salvation”. Today is also a great day to choose relationship over religion.

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