Tuesday, June 12, 2018

ThE woRLD frOm YouR wiNdOw - 6/12/18

Good morning.

It's hard to not be a little introspective when you look at all that is happening in our world. I want to start a new feature that I will be doing periodically on "Mirror Time". What I am hoping I can get your help with is the interaction. I want to open up dialogue on the issues that plague, upset, or confuse us in our world. 

As usual, there are certain types of behavior that will not be tolerated under any circumstances but I am hoping for thoughtful discussion, self-reflection, and perhaps some solutions. I don't claim to have any answers or an avenue to get your answers to others but I believe within our sphere of influence, there is opportunity to change our world, one person, one issue at a time.

So with that being said, I would like to present to you "The World From Your Window", a compilation of prevalent news stories and world issues that I hope we will be bold enough to speak to after we read these. Please fully utilize the comments section with your thoughts and opinions. I'd love to hear how you view things in your world and in our world. Before we're done, hopefully, you will see that sometimes there is a difference between the two.

So how does the world look from your window?


Source: (https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/11/us/orlando-officer-shot-in-barricade/index.html)

A nearly 24 hour hostage situation comes to a tragic end when police were unable to negotiate a safe release of four children from ages 1 to 11 were all found dead in an Orlando, FL apartment, along with the alleged kidnapper at 11:45pm Sunday night. Two of the children were his and the two others were his girlfriends from a previous relationship. A police officer, Kevin Valencia, was shot during the standoff and is in critical condition.

The suspect, Gary Lindsey, Jr., has previous arrests for arson, domestic violence battery, as well as four arrests for violating parole. For me, personally, this rap sheet alone produces a lot of questions. A lot of questions.

Not many details are being released yet but this is one of those situations that make any parent cringe. What brought this to bear? What circumstances led to this tragic conclusion? Why was he not in jail based on the charges brought against him? Why was he given charge over four young children with his criminal background? I have kids and grand kids and I can't imagine the anguish of these parents. It is likely the most helpless feeling imaginable. This has become far too frequent in our lifetime. Does stories like this make you change how you trust those entrusted with your children? Or do you see this as an isolated incident and you have not made any adjustment to how you approach your children and their care? Should the suspect have been able to be over the care of children due to his criminal history? Why did he get this opportunity? Let's discuss this.


Firstly, let's be clear on what bullying is before we start diving into the perception of our country in the eyes of other countries. Stopbullying.gov describes bullying as "unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance". I have seen this up close and personal and it is indicated by the use of power, physical strength, or influence to control, harm, or embarrass others. Name calling, teasing, public embarrassment, the use of inappropriate comments, excluding others purposely, spreading lies about someone, or abuse of a physical and verbal nature. Does that sound like America? Would other countries agree with your answer?

Source: (https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/11/politics/donald-trump-g7-chaos/index.html)

By now, you have seen some of the articles that highlighted the incidents at the G7 Summit that many are describing as utter chaos. The current administration has been littered with accusations of bullying, a lack of presidential respect and decorum, and to some on both sides of the political spectrum, what is considered a mockery of the office of President. Arguing this is not the goal today. At some point throughout history, America, as a country, was considered a savior to smaller, more vulnerable nations, and a big brother to those in needs of supplies, funding, aid, etc. What is your opinion on the America at current? Do you see us as the strong power we were in times past? Do you see us as weaker with less allies now and more vulnerable to our country's enemies? Bullying is a serious problem in this country, specifically in our schools and much of it stems from what goes on in the children's households. What kind of message is being sent to that are bullying others and those that are being bullied? Can we talk about this a little?

Here is another link with comments from proud Americans who have something important they wanted to be heard. Source: (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/letters/article-sorry-canada-americans-apologize-for-their-presidents-words)


(sigh) I got to spend a little time on this one. It is beginning to feel like a daily occurrence but once again, a video went viral and is sparking outrage after 10 year old Michael Thomas, Jr. is handcuffed by police officers and was mistaken to be another young man who allegedly had a firearm on his person. (The clothing was said to be similar. Of course, they were similar in other ways too.) Perhaps in fear of the police or more likely the thought of going to jail when all he was doing was playing outside his home like most young American kids do, he urinated on himself in front of family members, friends, and members of the Chicago PD. Added note: I think he was handcuffed before he was searched. That's why his grandmother lifted up his shirt because no one else did.

Now please understand that this was not a planned rant nor did I think about what could happen if I shared this sentiment as I am very likely to lose some "friends" by the time this article is read...if it is read. I don't spend a lot of time on social media but I see the posts that these "friends" create or share from someone else about matters like these. They cowardly like, love or share these posts that someone else had the courage to put their names on, harboring feelings that are pro-police, pro-Government, etc, no matter what. In many of these posts, they'd fix the issue of unarmed African Americans being shot or beaten by police by just not "resisting" or being more submissive. It is 100% the fault of the unarmed person in their minds. I won't even mention their thoughts on homelessness, racial inequity, education, community activism, implicit bias, and patriotism. 

I'm disgusted by their unwillingness to publicly profess or own up to these feelings. They just hide behind other peoples' posts. It's really not my place to judge what they like and don't like and what they support. Some of them use religion (emphasis) as a barometer and that's what ticks me off. Sherlock Holmes' call went to voicemail so let me solve that mystery: Jesus would not do what they're doing. Jesus wasn't a coward. Jesus wasn't a closet racist. Jesus walked in unconditional love and He would never accept social injustices in the name of country or the flag or because someone with power and influence said it was okay. Jesus actually cared about the human soul. Can't we safely assume that what we post or allow to be posted on our timeline indicates our belief or what we accept as valid, especially if we don't suggest otherwise? To make matters worse, these are not online friends. These are people that I know personally, broke bread with, and spend time with. I'll be hopeful to start that discussion, "friends". I won't hold my breath waiting though.

True story. I asked someone why he stopped watching the NFL and he responded "Because of the protests". I asked him "Do you know why they're protesting?". He said, "Because they're idiots, that's why!" That's the power of a 4th grade education. Let that soak in.

This case of mistaken identity is powerful in many ways. Michael's grandmother made a very cogent point. What is the first thing that comes to mind when Michael needs to call law enforcement when a neighbor's being assaulted by someone that could resemble him? Does he call or default back to 6/8/18, the day he almost went to jail? How does he walk in this community with his head held high when everyone knows (and if you lived in any kind of neighborhood, you know bad news travels faster than the speed of light) that he was handcuffed and he peed on himself in front of everyone? Some of my "friends" would say that Michael should get over it and police officers are our friends and all he has to do is obey the law. Have anyone of you ever peed on yourself in front of your friends and it didn't create a stigma, or at least, a crippling embarrassment every time you were around said friends? Stop the madness. Do all lives really matter? I wish. I hope. To be a cop in any neighborhood is a difficult and dangerous job and I am positive most officers are fearful of not being able to end their shift and go home to their families. I knew plenty in my youth and recently that were really decent, hard working, and took their jobs seriously. And mind you, these were guys from the NYPD and the NCPD. This is a crazy, mixed up world we live in but imagine growing up as a young man that is guilty before proven innocent in every situation regardless of the situation. You are public enemy #1 and there's no valid reason for the irrational fear or embedded hatred that is associated with this. You can't imagine it, can you? It is not on your radar. You don't even believe it's real. It's the figment of someone's imagination or an over-exaggeration. This issue doesn't even move the needle for you. Until it extends into your life, then you rise in outrage. What was Michael's crime exactly? Ask someone that looks like him if you really want to know. The bubble you are living in is killing you slowly. Bust it while you can! If you could change something about this continuing cycle, what would you change? How do you think relations between law enforcement and government officials and minorities can be improved? How do you approach these topics with your own children? Is your family educated on the racial climate in this country?

Thanks for listening and thinking. I'd love to engage you in conversation and hear your thoughts. Maybe we both will learn something. Thank you for reading, commenting, and subscribing.

(Note to our new subscribers: I don't send out spam. You will get one email from FeedBurner per new post. Nothing else. Promise.)

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Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...