Friday, December 22, 2017

ResT iN pEAce, MiCHaEL

This young man was what I would call an "old soul". 

It was extremely astounding to watch someone who could have easily been another statistic in a neighborhood that is known to swallow hopes and dreams whole come out alive but he did.

There was nothing fair about his life but I don't recall him complaining all the years that I have known him.

He said hello to people in a city that was notorious for being grumpy, closed off, and not at all friendly. He kept smiling and kept offering the biggest hugs to anyone who wanted one. He was trusting when there was no outward reason to be. He was eager to please and very motivated to receive affection and approval from others. The best description I can use for Michael is that he was "everybody's best friend". It wasn't until now that I asked myself why.
It was the one thing I never truly understood about him. I grew up with him in some of the roughest parts of the old neighborhood. Wherever I was, he was. We were as close as two people could be and that afforded me the opportunity to see some things I never noticed before. In some significant way hidden from the view of the onlooker, he was broken. I didn't know how or where it happened at the time but he was. He was literally taking his broken pieces with him everywhere he went. He covered contempt, anger, rage, low self esteem, and doubt with a smile and a hug. I don't want to speak for him but I think he tried to love all the ugliness in the world away with a hug. I think he hoped that would make him feel better in the process. 

Then the news came that his father died suddenly alone in his home. His daughter found him. It was a pity that Michael didn't know him well no matter how hard he tried. But Michael loved him and chased after him with a reckless abandon. Guess they call that in poetic circles "unrequited love". But that's when I saw it. The sole reason why Michael did everything he did and acted the way that he did that defied logic and reasoning. There it was, all laid out on a silver platter for all the world to see. There was a huge hole in his heart and he was trying feverishly and desperately to fill it. When his father died, not even three days later, Michael expired too. There was nothing to rally for or against. He ceased to exist because his whole life up to that point was merely a game of chasing shadows. He died chasing someone who either didn't love him or, at least, was unable to express that love in any tangible way. That was the legacy of his life. A sad and incomplete ending to what could have been an incredible comeback story.

But Michael is gone. Perhaps he never found the right "world" for what he had inside him. The world he lived in just didn't understand his way and his level of affection. It was too much, deemed unnecessary, or met with skepticism in the world he lived in. I am going to miss a lot of things about him but I am glad he's at peace. If I can be honest, the only reason he was here at all was to shine a light on a larger problem myself and others might not have seen: what it looks like when a father's love is missing from a son's life.

A lot of people, that didn't appreciate your hugs, your encouraging words, your poems, your songs, that big laugh, how freely you gave to others, and that big infectious smile then, will probably miss it now. You were living in an era totally unprepared for your special gift. Rest in peace, Michael. The world is full of sons just like you. Unfortunately.

Friday, December 15, 2017

ExTRa, EXtrA, ReAD aLL abOUt It

Well, the online world has done it again..........scratch that.....the online world is capitalizing on and growing due to what is already inside of us. Yeah, maybe the problem isn't everyone else after all. I don't know about you but it becomes increasingly difficult to read friends' posts and hear what seeps out of their hearts on the daily. I, for one, have been forced to re-evaluate my life choices.

If we are consistently passing blame onto others, we leave little time for self evaluation. We are distracted by the perceived attacks against us that we don't realize we could use some good old-fashioned crop failure in some areas of our own "gardens".

"When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce......" ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

The online world is reactive, judgmental, and headline oriented. Very few dig deep for the real story. We like what appears to be sensational and over-reaching and even explosive. That tantalizes us, draws us in, and makes us crave even more. It's an insatiable hunger that cannot be satisfied. And in all the melee, we don't even realize that we have become what we have claimed to detest. We are the judges. We are the antagonists. We are the hypocrites. We are just like the "them" we vowed never to become. Luke 18:9-14 gives us a great example of what that looks like and what the only real Judge thinks about it.

"To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: God, I thank you that I am not like other people - robbers, evildoers, adulterers - or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get. But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

Two men, both blessed enough to carry the breath of God in their bodies. Both in different stations in life and one with quite more advantage and opportunity than the other. The difference that matters to the Lord is the one that is not always seen with the naked eye. God is after the hearts of men, unconcerned with the attempts to self-elevate and make grand gestures to garner favor. Despite popular belief, we are not on the same page as the God we claim to follow if we forget this memorable passage.

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." (I Samuel 16:7)

We claim to have, or people that we like, have "good hearts". There's a passage that dispels that thinking too.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

Just when you think we got it all figured out, we realize we don't know as much as we thought.

This piece is not written with the intent to get you to spend less time on the web and less time on your Facebook and Twitter pages. You can take all the selfies you like on Instagram. And you can give yourself reindeer eyes to your heart's content on Snapchat. The overriding point is that while we are entering into this world that seemingly has little rules and a low standard of decorum, perhaps we can consider holding fast to the profession we so often say we have.

I can tell you that we are wasting time and we could at some moment, find ourselves unprepared and on the other side of eternity. I could say that you could have years of training and education and degrees in divinity and the one moment you decide you will not help someone you deem undeserving could be the deal breaker. I could say that before we press "Send", maybe we should take twelve hours, or 24 hours or whatever it takes to be sure that these words we release into the "always" is what we want attached to us for our kids and grand-kids to see.

I'll leave this to your consideration. To those that try to espouse positive messages and promote things that edify and encourage, I say "Thank you." You are probably feeling lonely and unappreciated and you might be wondering why you should keep doing what you are doing. Someday, somewhere, in some part of the world we live in, someone will look past the scathing headline and actually read the content. Someone will scroll past the clickbait and thirst traps and look for something that feeds the need they have and presents itself as a salve for the wounded hearts. Someone might even respond with a "Thank you" themselves. Some may not have the heart to respond in any form. Keep the momentum and don't quit. The world is inundated with so called "news".

I fully intend to take my own advice. So you are not at all alone. Godspeed!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

ThrOUGh ThEse sTOrmS

A common phrase that, like so many others of its kind, loses it value and relevance because it is so irresponsibly tossed around and often misunderstood.

You know what a storm is and you have been in many natural storms, especially if you live anywhere in the USA. You know the rain, wind, hail, lightning, thunder, and snow are all elements of what you have experienced. The kind of storms I am talking about are similar except that they can't be avoided with an umbrella or finding your way under some kind of shelter. These kinds have to be endured until they pass over.

Through these are going to get wet.

Through these storms...........your vision may be impaired.

Through these may need more time to get to your destination safely than what you planned.

Through these storms...........the "clothes" you enjoy wearing may get damaged and you'll need new ones.

Through these may become better evaluators of true value when you find it. What was lost might not be as valuable as you originally thought.

Through these storms...........the foundation of every relationship you're in will be revealed.

Through these will be really difficult to see the Sun (Son) and blue skies.

Through these will discover greater opportunities for "alone" time.

Through these may lose your balance and fall down but you can't stay there.

Through these storms...........the temptation to make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation is greater.

Through these will hear many voices but you're not insane, just at a critical life-stage.

Through these storms...........the sounds of the storm might be louder than the storm's actual impact.

Through these will find out just how strong you are and still you won't be able to take full credit. All the glory belongs to God.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

ChaSIng ThE wINd

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

Ecclesiastes 2:11 (NLT) says "But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless--like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere."

This is a very common phrase usage in the Bible. Wonder why? Maybe because if we're not chasing God, we are "chasing the wind". A circular path that has no definite destination, a string of meaningless tasks, a point that adds no virtue or value.

Have you ever tried to catch the wind in your hands?

It is literally the most time consuming, fruitless, ineffective, wasting of energy and effort there is on the planet. You can gain nothing from this futile exercise. Why? Because one, it is not possible to achieve this feat. And two, there is nothing to be gained that holds value or merit even if you could accomplish this task. In the magical whimsy in the mind of a child, they may think this is worth the effort and they may even find it challenging to try to do it, even though all the adults in their life watch them, knowing it will not happen. They probably view the wind as a convenient but unseen babysitter that gives them a spell from their arduous every day. But honestly, most recognize that this is just not time well spent. Still so many adults that I know personally waste their efforts, traipsing down the same unproductive path they have in the past, and still expect a varied result. Basically, they make the same mistakes, thinking the outcome will change each time.

King Solomon spoke often about the fruitlessness of life and wasted energy. What do you value in this life and/or the next life? What do you see as precious? What do you see as worthless? People throw hundreds of dollars into the stock market daily because they believe that a company has the propensity to produce profitability and their product is worth purchasing and using so they invest. They want to capitalize on the boom that's taking place. Where do you place your valuable insights? What value do you place on your time? What energy do you put into relationships? What conversations, in person and online, do you invest time in listening to? How do you spend your free time? I think King Solomon is onto something. He encourages us to fear God, which is the starting path to attaining wisdom. If you can live in peace with the little that you have, (which I guess could be considered a minimalist lifestyle) then it is perceived to be better than chasing after things that are not worthy of attaining and missing out on what is important and valuable.

"Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind." (Ecclesiastes 4:6 NIV)

I watch friends, family, and church mates buck against the authority they are under, clamoring and chasing after things that tantalize their flesh. All the while, they are being drawn away from what matters the most. Not much different than the thinking in that eighteenth verse of the opening passage.

"...For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."

The stuff that we waste our time going after is not worthy of achieving if it doesn't better us spiritually. We can have all the frills of the "good life" and all the popularity and all the accolades, but if we retain a soul that is still out of alignment with the "manufacturer's" purpose and plans, then we as the "product", are ineffective, of little use, and carrying diminishing value. Our value comes from not only our proximity to Him who has forged us into existence but also in the functionality of the purpose we are called into. A life without purpose is a life wasted.

We all want lasting happiness and we all want value but either we don't know where to find it or we don't know what true value looks like when we see it. Bigger paycheck. Multiple intimate relationships. Fuller bank accounts. An abundance of hobbies. A larger family. A bigger house. The list goes on.

What are you chasing? What are the priorities in your life? How much time do you invest in those priorities? Are you able to detect a tangible result for all of your works and energies? Or are you running into a wall at every turn?

If nothing else, I just want to encourage all of you that despite all the bad theology out there and the horrible role teachers in our social and spiritual circles giving us the wrong advice, we have hope. Wisdom seems hidden at times but it is easily locate-able. When I was at my wit's end, and the only options I could see were dark and pretty permanent. I called out to God (despite limited knowledge and no relationship with Him to speak of) and he gave me answers that led me to a peace I hadn't experienced in ever.

You are not as far away from those answers as you think you are. Please don't give up hope and please don't think you have no other way out. It is a lie and not the truth. Just like the initial passage in 2 Corinthians teaches us, we are not to focus on things around us, meaning current circumstances, people issues, etc. They won't always last and they will eventually fade. They are, in effect, temporary. What is permanent and forever? What makes your life worthwhile? What adds to yours and the lives of others? What challenges you to step out beyond your limitations and previous foul ups? What enriches you and takes you beyond what you think or imagine? What brings you true joy?

You can answer in your own way but my answer is God. Instead of chasing what He has made, I simply chose to chase the Source instead. Maybe someday you can see that as worth your time and energy. Please let us know if this blog has inspired and touched you personally. Thank you for reading.

"Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them." ~ Russell H. Conwell

Sunday, November 19, 2017

To LoVe iS DiVInE ❤️

If I may, I'd like to tell you a story. A story about love.

(Note from the editor: This is not designed to mimic any previously told stories or to convince our readers that this is fiction or non-fiction. We'll let you decide how you feel about the story and you can share those thoughts in our comments section. Hopefully, this will do what most of our posts have been doing and that is even if you laugh, even if you cry,  or even if you get angry, it will always make you think.) 

One cool but sunny Sunday morning in the heart of the city, a handful of members began to file in through one of the side doors of the church to get ready for the day's service. It was clear that no one notices a man in a dark overcoat and a tattered hat huddled at the front door of the church. He sat there for more than an hour before any one noticed he was there on the porch, leaning against the wall of the building. Some of the members, arriving with their families, looked over at him and even pointed but no one approached.

Very close to the start of the service, the front door of the church was opened from the inside and members and visitors alike began to enter the front door of the church, some looking down at the mystery man huddled near the door and some not acknowledging him at all.

One of the leaders came out of the door and asked the man what he was doing. The man didn't respond initially. The leader asked him to please move away from the door so that the visitors can come inside.

One visitor and her young daughter walked through the front door of the church and the little girl stopped and looked into the eyes of the disheveled man and then they walked inside.

Another leader came outside to greet the members and guests and he stood a few feet away from the man and asked him what his name was. The man didn't respond. The leader shook his head and continued to stand at the door to greet people who entered the church. Another greeter came out to him and they both stood at the door greeting but none further acknowledging the man.

The Pastor stepped outside and saw the man huddled at the door. He crouched down and asked the man if he needed anything or we could help him. The man didn't respond. The Pastor told the man that he could come inside if he wants to and that we would be honored to have him. He then went back inside and left the man outside. The leaders that were standing outside greeting looked over at the man and continue to greet the guests and members.

After about fifteen minutes, all of the greeters went inside and the man remained outside, sitting on the ground next to the front door.

Inside the church, praise and worship had just concluded and the Pastor stood up with His Bible in his  hand as he approached the front of the room. He asked everyone within earshot one question.

"Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord", he asked.

Almost everyone in the congregation nodded in agreement or responded verbally with an "Amen".

He shook his head and scanned the room and asked another question.

"Do you believe that the Word of God and every account in it is true?" he asked everyone with a slightly louder voice.

The response from the congregation was identical to the first.

He put his Bible down onto the podium next to him and asked yet another question.

"How many of you saw the man sitting at the front door this morning?"

The congregation began to rustle in their seats with some nodding as if to say yes. But there was not any verbal responses to this question. Many dropped their heads or looked away from the glare of the Pastor. There was a long and uncomfortable silence before the Pastor said anything further.

The Pastor opened his bible and began to read from Hebrews 13:2. He said, "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have show hospitality to angels without knowing it."

He then closed the book and one of the young children darted out of the service and into the hall. He quickly opened the front door and looked around for the man but could not find him. The young man ran back into the church and looked at the Pastor.

"The man is gone!", he yelled across the room. "I can't find him."

The young man appeared confused and very concerned. The people in the pews began to grow unsettled as the grumbling and mutterings can be heard throughout the room.

The Pastor shook his head and looked around the room watching the confusion began to build. He wiped one of his eyes and became emotional as he held his head down.

"I think we all need to re-evaluate some things. I'd like to know what you guys are thinking right now.", he says as he waits for responses.

"I thought he was homeless. I can't give him a place to stay so I....."

"I've seen this before. I just figured he didn't want anything. He didn't say a word."

"The church is not very big right now. I wonder why he showed up here."

"I used to be homeless and it brought back really bad memories for me."

"If they were still there after service was over, I was thinking about giving them some money."

"I didn't know what he wanted. He kind of scared me."

"With all the church shootings lately, I didn't know what to think."

One young woman stood up and was fighting back tears as the Pastor and then the entire congregation turned to her as she spoke.

"I don't know what to say.", she muttered as she began to weep again. "I saw the man or the angel or whomever he was. I'm new here but I have heard the Word for years but I just didn't know what I should do. I just figured one of the leaders would talk to him or try to help him. It was so strange but...I felt like I knew him from somewhere. He was sooooo familiar."

The room grew strangely quiet. The young lady sat down and dropped her head as did any in the room that heard her words. The Pastor looked up and walked up the aisle and walked through the front door as the entire congregation turned around with the eyes fastened on the front door of the church. He walked back into the sanctuary with the man right behind him. He walked up to the front of the room as did the man that was huddled outside the front door of the church all morning.

"He should be familiar to all of us, not just because we're Christians but because we should especially  know those that labor here with us.", the Pastor said as he looked at the young lady who spoke as well other members of the church.

The man opened his coat and took off his hat as the entire congregation gasped and the young lady stood up onto her feet, with her hand over her mouth, gasping. She began to weep even more as did several members of the congregation.

The Pastor asked one more question.

"Do we know love when we see Him?"

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

eDiToRs NoTe fROm tHE MTWM dESk

Good morning, friends, family, and fans of Mirror Time!

It's been our great pleasure to hear from so many of you that are enjoying our work and those of you that are seeing the value of what we are putting out in a world with so much other "stuff" all over the social media pages, forums, and throughout the blogosphere. 
It's our desire to continue to uplift, encourage, inspire, and shine a little light wherever possible. 

Let's be honest for a moment. This is not the most popular blog you can find. I would like to believe that's because don't know about us yet or perhaps we don't offer to delve into the world many blog enthusiasts want to live in. We don't talk about technology and gaming. We don't offer insights into the minds of Hollywood's elite. We don't teach you "How To" tips on how to make your old house look new. All we do is, in our own unique way, to try to offer something hopeful and inspiring in a time where it is needed the most. That may not amount to much to the masses but I know enough people that say they need this and it matters to them so as long as there is a demand for it, Dang! will continue to live on another day....

We reached a small milestone where we have published 80 blogs to date and that is a great accomplishment for us due to the time we started and how many blogs we could get out to our readers monthly. I fully expect that number to rise even higher and we're excited about our 100th blog. Maybe we will do something really special that day for one of our faithful readers. Apologies for the formatting issues that we had with the page for several weeks. They have been fully resolved and we're back to the professional look that we come to expect from TTMYGD! Thank you for your patience!

This is not the first blog I have been associated with or have built but this is definitely the best and most honest. The reaction to the pieces are not always without controversy as we don't shy away from tough topics. But even though our readers have both laughed and cried, I think they will agree that more than anything they have thought about and saw things a little different than before they joined our readership. That is the greatest prize of them all and the goal of Mirror Time! Be outraged. Be somber. Be aware. Be demonstrative. Be active. But by all means, be thoughtful. The moment we start reacting to the headlines and neglect to read the content, we slowly lose our ability to be introspective, to educate ourselves, and to make competent decisions. We will simply react to "external stimuli" and lose a very valuable and necessary part of ourselves. This blog was born as a response to that and an alternative for those that get why this is critical for all of us.

As much as we can clearly see the growth of this blog that is near and dear to our hearts, we see much room for growth. As much as it is shared on social media and in the email inboxes of our friends, we know we can't do this without you, the reader. That's a perfect time to say a sincere "Thank You" to all of you that have been reading Dang! from day one and have subscribed with us. I can't say enough about your support and even some of your hilarious and thoughtful comments. You are even making us think too and that's something we appreciate. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!!!

One of the coolest things about our blog is that there is no limit to what we might post about. From our mobile office, we could write and post our blogs from anywhere we are in the world. Some of the most beautiful landscapes and the most interesting of conversations with strangers could become the backdrop for our next piece. That's exciting! You never know where we might end up next and who we might meet.

We look forward to giving you more insightful posts about everything from the world of sports, to issues on personal and spiritual growth, politics, and even some of the fun quizzes that have left most of our readers stumped and surprised. Keep your suggestions and those comments coming! We love to see them and we love to hear from you. I don't know how long this blog will live but we're committed to doing all we can while we can.

If you haven't been reading from the beginning, go back to the beginning and grow us with us on this incredible journey. Thank you again,

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Yu

'You might laugh. You might cry. You might get mad. But my ultimate goal is to make you think!'

Monday, November 6, 2017

MilK aNd MeaT

Good morning. If you can see this, you are a beneficiary of a mercy and a faithfulness we didn't do anything to deserve and by all accounts, we can not earn with our own goodness. It was simply granted to us out of a love many of us still struggle to understand. This was and is definitely my struggle.

Not having a father makes the concept of receiving the love of God, our Father is a challenge I grow through daily. I have three beautiful daughters and six incredible grandchildren that I love so deeply. Still I struggle to fathom the "why". Why would He make such a significant sacrifice for someone with the numerous flaws, scars, and a propensity to do so much wrong? Why would he attempt to stand tall during His scourging which only caused the Roman soldiers to react with an even greater level of brutality? Why would he remain on the cross until He presumably choked on His own blood, slowly asphyxiated and died for a people who didn't seem to see the big picture of such a sacrifice? Why would He give His life when He could have called down a legion of angels to undo what was being done? Why, Lord? These and many others are questions that don't even matter to the common mind.

Generally speaking, we are living as we see fit. We say what's "on our heart" and we don't care where it lands. We mistreat others out of a direct dysfunction that we carry around as an outer garment. Everything around our world seems to be disintegrating at a rapid pace. Fingers are being pointed but very few look within to locate the cause for why we can't make ourselves care beyond offering a blanket prayer, or why we can't feel anything more than a passing pity for our fellow man, or why we just can't get out of the endless negative cycles we find ourselves bound to. We appear to be missing the purpose for the greatest sacrifice ever made for us.

Maybe you don't see this as a real issue.........Maybe from your view everything looks great and promising. There is no reason for critical thinking and over-analysis--just let it ride, live, and enjoy the fruits and pleasures. Maybe this specific blog post isn't your cup of tea.

What floods my mind is gratefulness for a grace that covered me when I could have been in a place I could not come back from. I am painfully aware of the kind of person I used to be. I am cognizant of my mistakes and errors in judgment that once plagued my current walk with Christ. The wise see their second chance as an opportunity to turn a corner and make a critical adjustment. Some see it as a fallback option that provides wiggle room to intentionally make some more questionable decisions. There is a passage in Hebrews 6 that I think hits the mark here.

"Therefore let us get past the elementary stage in the teachings about the Christ, advancing on to maturity and perfection and spiritual completeness, [doing this] without laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God..." (Hebrews 6:1 AMP)

The danger Paul is speaking about are those who consider themselves "believers" are not advancing. They are not getting further beyond the elementary principles of their faith. They walk in one direction for years and are still unable to discover their place. (Or in some cases, they search for purpose that can only be defined with a specific ministry title. That's a separate situation altogether.) John Calvin even added this thought: "As in building a house one must never leave the foundation; yet to be always laboring in laying the foundation would be ridiculous."

It's expected that once the initial, introductory functions are received and understood and put into action, there needs to be a "moving forward" so that progress can begin. Progress can't be gained in a believer's life if they are too content in the stage of "milk-drinking". What a sad visual to see a believer retreat back into a cage that has an open door! They are free because Christ has made them free but they live as if they were still bound.

Paul emphasizes the point more than once in scripture so it must be a consistent problem.

"There is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen. You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong." (Hebrews 5:11-14 NLT)

You are spiritually dull? You don't seem to listen? You should be teaching others because you have believed so long? Instead, you need to learn the basics over and over again? If this is an accurate description of where we are, then we can't be relied upon to do the right thing until we start doing the first thing. We simply need to grow up. If a 13 year old child was being breast fed in a public restaurant, we would find that out of the ordinary. If a 15 year old child was still be carried by its mother or placed in a stroller, we would gawk at them, wondering what the problem was. How can we look at our lack of growth in the basics of our faith and not be at all concerned?

Remember the short story about the elephant?

"As my friend was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from the ropes they were tied to but for some reason, they did not. My friend saw a trainer nearby and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.

"Well, " he said, "When they are very young and much smaller we use the same size of rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free." My friend was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were."

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John 8:36 KJV)

What made what Peter did in Matthew 14 so incredible was that he broke rank from the norm and took a significant and literal step. He exercised his faith. It could very well be just that simple for the believer that returns nightly to a cage that Christ Jesus has already opened up to free them. We can listen to all the preaching our ears can take. We can cry out to God with tears and shouts. We can surround ourselves with all the positive influence and mentors we desire. Ultimately, we still have to get up and away from the "common view" and take a step in our faith. An old mentor always taught me that to have something you never had, you often must do something you've never done." If you never had deliverance and healing in a specific area, you need to put yourself in a position you've never been in.....a position of true sacrifice and humility. It's time to move!

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2 NLT)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

AnY GivEN SUNday

What if Jesus Christ returned on a Sunday? What would He see?

These first two questions were all I can think about this morning. I was almost literally in a daze thinking about my approach for this day. It wasn't robotic or methodical but I stepped into this day with a laser focus. Every step I took was heavily evaluated. Every word I spoke, even the most simplest of salutations was strongly considered. I opened my eyes and hopped out of bed, tired but fixated on being in the right alignment for whatever the Lord had in store for me today. I couldn't even fathom being out of the will of the Lord today. Why was today so special? What made this Sunday so much more critical than any other day of my week? It wasn't necessarily. It was just the first day that I got "it". I got what we, as believers, are supposed to be fixated on every single day of our walk. Instead so many of us just focus on today, Sunday. (*Please read my earlier blog piece, "Church Clothes" and the point will be shared in much greater detail.*)

Sundays, for some, are a restart because their entire week was front loaded on self and very little attention or focus on the reason they had such grace in the first place. They're an opportunity to see their friends and meet new people. They're a reminder of who they are and to whom they belong. They're a day of rest that means a visit to the beach, a trip to the mall for a day of shopping, or maybe a nice brunch downtown. Sometimes it means any and everything but what is the norm for a believer.

For me, I need to be in the right place. I thought I always felt that way but today was different. I needed to adjust and adapt to what was being revealed to me. It was very important that I responded and did so quickly. I look around me and I see so many things that can't possibly please God because His Words don't confirm them. So many small but subtle seeds that get planted that can't likely grow anything good. So much disrespect for authority. So many bold moves that scream flesh and "me, me, me". So many puffed up chests and prideful boasts. Words attributed to God that don't sound like His voice. Servants that view ministry as something someone else should be doing because they are too busy to get involved. I see those that love to "out-praise" you but they are loathed to "out-serve" you. I see friends whose personal lives and businesses are going well and they're making great profits and everything is well. They won't admit it out loud but their actions suggest they prefer to live life on their terms and not for the purpose of the One that gives them life to live. I see all that stuff all the time but ultimately I am solely responsible for not only what I know but how I respond to what I know.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1-2 NKJV)
Paul was asking the brothers to consider the mercies that they were already beneficiaries of and align themselves with what God, who gave those benefits, desired of them. All Paul is saying here, in military terms, is align your life with what you already say you believe. Assume the position. Maintain responsibility. Present yourself daily before your commanding officer and receive your instructions.

What if Jesus Christ returned on a Sunday? What would He see?

Would He find His beloved children sleeping in the pews? Would He find His beloved children in a compromising position? Would He find His beloved children in worship to another god? Would He find His beloved children texting someone or looking at You-tube videos when the word of God is being preached? Would He find His beloved children slumbering at home because they partied too much the night prior? Would He find His beloved children immediately following the biggest mistake of their lives? Would He find His beloved children right in the moment of true repentance? How would He find us?

I think I can guess how these two questions make many people feel. This probably gives comfort to may of my readers. I mean, they are probably avid churchgoers so if the Lord returns on a Sunday, they would be in a great place, right? What better place to be than the house of the Lord? I have been to many churches that are large in number, even perhaps considered a mega-ministry and have tentacles all over the world with huge television and radio deals and daily advertising and all the clout you can imagine. They are constantly building and growing in number but their programs are more important than their people and more importantly, their souls.

If He returned on Sunday, what would He see? If He returned on Monday, what would He see? What would He hear come out of your mouth early that morning? If He returned on Tuesday, what would He see? How about Wednesday, what would He see? What if He came on Thursday, what would He find you doing? Perhaps He returned on Friday. What would His eyes behold His children doing that day? If He returned on Saturday, would that heighten your chances to be found doing well?

And this is where I landed early this morning before the sun rose. This is where I was left laying under the power of what I received. Every single day in any month in any year could be the day. Some look for signs. I cannot. If I was to expire unexpectedly, there is no further opportunity to look for signs. My "day of the Lord" would have already come and my "earthly account" would be closed. I cannot say goodbye. I cannot try to fix what I broke. I cannot hit the reset button. The account is closed, the balances are tallied up and my destination has been decided. My calendar will be of no further consequence. My life is whisked away into that sweet forever and into the hands of a just God. 

Right in the neighborhood live two young girls who I would describe as "latchkey kids". They come home from school by themselves and their parents don't get home for a couple hours after they do. I am sure they were given instructions to finish their homework and do some short list of chores until their parents return. What they actually do is not likely to be part of that list. The girls leave the house and stand outside in the driveway or sometimes in the road and they dance provocatively as onlookers drive by. They do this routinely with an eye towards the end of the street. When they see their parents' vehicle get to the stop sign, they race inside and shut the door, presumably to start doing their homework. Quite the analogy huh? They forsake the instructions given and do what feels right, always with their eyes out for a sign that "Daddy" is coming home. That's a risky way to live for those little girls and for us as well. Any given Sunday, or alternative day of the week, could be the day. How do you prefer to be found by the Master?

You can speak for yourself but I personally will never see a Sunday or any other day quite the same again. My service, my walk and my approach to it are irrevocably changed. The way I view relationships has changed. The way I view how I utilize the time I have been blessed with has changed. The way I see and respond to the grace of God has changed. And I couldn't be more grateful.

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods. But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24:45-51 NKJV)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

iTs LoNeLY aT tHE ToP

When I say "authority", what's the first thing that comes to mind?

If I say "We should respect authority", where do the lines get blurred? Where is your line in the sand? What is your tipping point?

The word "authority" (Merriam Webster) is defined as "the power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior."

When I look at the word "authority" through the eyes of Scripture, I find the greek word "exousia " (pronounced ex-oo-see'-ah) and it means moral authority, power, and weight, and denotes power conferred to a person by another, or delegated authority (such as the influence God gives to His people to act through faith)".

At face value, those two things may look pretty similar but they have a distinct difference. There is a big difference between a "dictator-type" approach (where if you ask the wrong questions or even question the authority in place at all, you will be physically removed from the conference room or forcefully taken to the gallows) and someone who stands in authority on some platform with the full understanding that they are only there because the authority or power was entrusted to them by another who has a greater level of authority.

What does a kid out of the inner city know about authority anyway? Does he see authority as someone set in place to keep him at a certain level and within a certain framework of experience, growth, and education? Or does he see authority as merely a guideline on the path to greater things? This inner city kid felt like the former was the more accurate and relevant of the two. I am sure some kids that grow up in the inner city now still see things the same way. Or maybe their experience has differed.

The last time I was back home in NYC visiting family, my sister and I were riding in from the airport. Bear in mind that this inner city kid, who admittedly grew up a lot since those childhood years, was sitting in the passenger seat as we drove through my hometown of Brooklyn. We had the windows down because it was pretty warm that day. We got to an intersection and there was a bodega on my right where several members of the NYPD were standing and talking. When we stopped at the intersection, they turned to look at us (for several valid reasons I would imagine) and I stuck my hand out of the window and waved at them as we drove off. I'm decked out in New York Football Giants gear and my hat turned to the back as I wear it at times. My sister was irate.

"Don't you ever wave at cops while you're in my car!" was one sentiment she shared for the next five minutes or so of the ride through the borough.

Some of what she said was valid, although I believe most of it came from a place I no longer lived and from a viewpoint that I no longer held. Maybe her drivers license and registration was not current. I don't know. I just know she was visibly upset and shaken. Basically, many of my family and friends from that location and friends that live in similar environments don't want the attention of the authority because it usually ends badly for them historically. From your community's HOA to your local police department to your apartment's landlord to upper management at your job, the attention is widely unwanted. My waving to those police officers was essentially like sending up flares. My little sister's message was received. But was it right?

You can't turn on the local or national news now without hearing a statement coming from the current administration which either inflames or incites people on social media and at the water coolers alike. It is very easy to look at the authority in our government with contempt and disrespect. Is this approach the proper one in God's sight?

If the manager gives an instruction for the work area but the team lead, seeing the day to day operations and having their finger on the pulse of the staff, decides to alter the instructions to fit what is currently taking place, is this approach pleasing to God or is He displeased?

These are not easy questions to ask so clearly they are not easy to answer either. Despite my upbringing and the memories that I bear to this day that make it challenging for me to look at authority as I should, it's still my goal to achieve the appropriate amount of respect for the office, more so than the person in the office. One bad board member doesn't automatically equate to one bad corporation. I struggle but make daily efforts to understand how God wants us to view the point of authority in our every day lives.

One pet peeve is how it is dealt with in our local churches. I am amazed, appalled, and very dismayed at how frequently a leader's spouse or children, a deacon, another elder, or even the church's secretary will change the instruction of the spiritual leader simply because they think they know better than the leader him or herself. That bothers me so much because I know what the end result looks like. That bothers me how casual and subtle it is and how easy we are to circumvent what has been set in place and do what we think is best, regardless of what has been instructed. We do it in the local ministries. We do it in the workplaces. We allow it to take place in our households and in family circles. We do it everywhere to the point where it has become commonplace. It is dysfunction, chaos and a frayed cord rather than a unified one. The old proverb about having too many chiefs and not enough Indians comes to mind.

We don't have to like the person or persons in authority over us but we may find it beneficial down the road to respect the position or office in which they stand unless following their instructions will cause you to sin against the Lord Himself. That's our exemption at home, at school, at work, and living as citizens of the United States of America. Besides this, His word is pretty clear.

A great literary work that I lean on in times like these is "Spiritual Authority" by Watchman Nee. I can't even tell you how many times I've read this but it has been several and I learn something new every time. His approach is that God is the ultimate authority and that the others are delegated or subject to Him. Here are a couple of his most poignant points worthy of consideration:

“Whenever man touches God's delegated authority he touches God within that person; sinning against delegated authority is sinning against God.”

“If God dares to entrust His authority to men, then we can dare to obey. Whether the one in authority is right or wrong does not concern us, since he has to be responsible directly to God. The obedient needs only to obey; the Lord will not hold us responsible for any mistaken obedience, rather will He hold the delegated authority responsible for his erroneous act. Insubordination, however, is rebellion, and for this the one under authority must answer to God.”

Let today be a day worthy of consideration as you read through these passages. Perhaps you can remember a prominent and notable figure in history by the name of Joseph. Do you remember his being sold into slavery by his brothers and although he was given nearly every benefit Potiphar had to offer, he refused to take liberties with his master's wife? How about David, called to be a king but yet to achieve the throne and refused to disrespect the current administration despite the attempts on his life? That list goes on and on and we have plenty examples. Now we simply need to follow them.

(Scripture references: Romans 13:1-5; Titus 3:1; Hebrews 13:17; Ephesians 6:1-4; 1 Peter 2:13-15; James 2:10; Acts 5:29)

Thursday, October 19, 2017

I JusT Can'T.....

Giving up is painfully easy. It doesn't take much effort to just say "I quit".

Remaining in the refiners' fire until the process is done is not so easy. That takes effort.

But there's just some things that can't be compromised. There are some things that are non-negotiable. I know you have your list. Here's a few:

I just can't.......understand how we can still use a keyboard to say to people what we would never say in person.

I just can't.......believe that after all we have learned historically, most protests of significance still start with one person when so many are experiencing the same issues.

I just can't.......accept that our country could be on the verge of another World War and very few will admit the actual reasons why.

I just can't.......resist the laughter of a baby. Makes me laugh every time.

I just can't.......fathom that I'm not far from 50 years old and I still haven't achieved my dream.

I just can't.......listen to another political argument on Facebook. If you really wanted to promote change, this is not the medium you would use. You're not fooling anyone.

I just can't.......have an opinion on every issue. Maybe I'm older and wiser. Maybe I'm content letting folks figure things out without trying to jump in and "save" them.

I just can't.......endure a man without a spine.

I just can't.......find a better reason to keep going besides the fact that we still have breath in our body. That should never go to waste.

I just can't.......believe how easy it is for me to forgive others but how hard it is for others to forgive me.

I just can't.......quit and give up. Somebody somewhere is watching and they believe in me.

I just can' the train wreck that is reality TV. There are going to be battered bodies and brokenness at the end of the day. I would rather not witness it. 

I just can't.......stop thinking about home. I miss my family and NYC so much. 

I just can't.......understand how you can change a culture by keeping things exactly the same. This plan is flawed.

I just can't.......fathom that I'm not far from 50 years old and I still am struggling with some of the same mistakes.

I just can't.......stop walking fast. If you grew up where I did and the way I did, you'd understand.

I just can't.......believe that some of my "friends" actually believe everything they hear on Fox News and consider it the Gospel.

I just can't.......resist a genuine hug. Anti-hugging advocates need to understand they have a sickness. 

I just can' less about whether I am accepted by clubs, organization, and social circles. I have gotten to the place where I don't view it as important anymore.

I just can't.......keep repeating myself. It's a pet peeve I can't get rid of.

I just can't.......imagine a world without comedy. You literally can find it everywhere.

I just can't.......swallow this "younger, faster, and stronger" generation that obliterates the elderly, the sick, and the unfortunate. This is not okay.

I just can't.......endure a nagging woman. They produce a sound that only grown men can hear and have the power to make a grown man run really fast.

I just can't.......with the ability of a negative post to last for weeks while the positive, enriching posts fall flat in a day or two. We live in a screwed up world. 

I just can't.......take for granted that as long as I am alive, God is telling me there's still a chance.

I just can't.......fathom that I'm not far from 50 years old.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

MoMEnt oF YouR tIMe

May I have a moment of your time?

I don't want to temporarily distract you from the ebbs and flows of this life. I wouldn't dare whisk you away into the imaginary so you can escape the harsh reality of this life. I just want to talk to you...about a moment. I just want to encourage your heart. I just want to remind you of something that you perhaps didn't know.

You matter.

May I have a moment of your time to tell you how great you are? It should be something you have heard, at least, once before. It's not because of your last name or how much money you have in your bank accounts? It's not because of how influential you are at work or how you look in jeans or how spot-on your hot take is. It's because of something so much more impacting. It's because of something that doesn't fade away with time or age. You possess within you a treasure...

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV)

Got a sec? Deep down, that blows your mind and I understand why. You might have lived under the shadow of someone else's expectation and never meeting the standard. I get that you always do your best and feel like it's never enough. How many times have you asked yourself, "Why me?"

We cover it with makeup, high priced dresses, and power suits but this vessel, or your body, fades with every second. Isaiah 40:8 reminds us that the "grass dries up and the flower withers, but the Word of our God will stand forever." These bodies, just like the grass or a flower are subject to the heat of challenge and struggle and will inevitably fade. We treat accountability and responsibility as occasional catchphrases or points of contention but we were born with this. Much of our world is in disarray because we are "out of position."

It's why our days seem out of alignment and why our nights are without peace. It's why that co-worker can irk you so easily and set your whole day off-kilter. It's why that driver cutting you off on the road can raise your blood pressure to unhealthy levels. It's why even the slightest change in your routine can send you into a downward spiral.

Are you having a bad day every weekday not named Friday? Assigning blame to the devil is often a fruitless exercise. Just like getting mad at a critter that tears up your furniture and rummages through your trash but you routinely leave your front door open. Is the blame on the animal that only does what is in its nature or does fault rest on the person who didn't protect and manage what they are solely responsible for? Something to consider, just for a moment.

We spend so much time obsessing about what others say or think about us, all the while pretending that we don't care when we really do. You are the product. God is the manufacturer. You are viable and profitable. You are designed with purpose, function, and vitality. Your life was thought out with care and consideration. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Who indeed knows you better than the originator of the hand-crafted, magnificent, God-breathed specimen that you are? When your Hyundai breaks down, you don't call Ford! When your Westinghouse is on the fritz, you don't call technical support for Target! Same premise. 

I don't care what "they" say about you. You matter. You are not worthless. You are not a failure. You don't need followers to validate your worth. You don't need to adapt to what is popular. You matter. You can't be a loser because the battle is already won for those that side with the "victor". You matter.

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:7-9 NIV)

May I have a moment of your time to tell you that the hotter the fire feels indicates the closer you are to the core of the issue? The more intense the challenge and resistance you are experiencing indicates how close you are to the answer you need. The ant in Proverbs 6 teaches us to work, move, and press into what we need regardless of the season. The ant consistently maintains discipline and doesn't break pattern to please man. They work towards the goal until it is fully accomplished. We are commanded in John 9:4 to work while it is day for a time will come when no one will work any longer.

Press in. Take that next step. Your breakthrough is closer than it appears. You're almost there. Keep moving. Keep pressing. Do not be denied. Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us that all we go through has a purpose and we have a cheering session that is counting on us. We are blessed with the privilege of doing what so many before us could not do. We are finishing the race.

And in a moment, everything can change.......
Tomorrow is going to be better.

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