Saturday, February 18, 2017


Most of my friends that possess eyes and ears understand how little I care to post about politics or politic-related topics on social media nor do I care to engage in debates about the topic. This, however, is my personal blog so we'll just call this an exception.

So, the media outlets and social networking timelines are blowing up about the First Lady Melania Trump reciting the Lord's Prayer at a rally in Melbourne, Florida. I have several problems with this but it's not for the reasons you may think. Let's highlight those, shall we?

Let's get one thing out of the way. Despite how I was raised and despite the norm for people of color when it comes to political party choices, I am not a liberal. So if anyone has an argument that starts with that premise, don't bother tapping your little fingers on the keyboard to type that. It doesn't apply to me. My issues are not even related to politics, even though I have read many comments that believe the reading of the Lord's Prayer in Melbourne, Florida (perhaps the history of the city might prove interesting to you if you choose to research it) was political in nature. I don't know that to be the intent and I can't judge it.

Firstly, I take issue with people, especially those that call themselves Christians (which means Christ-like or followers of Christ for those that didn't know) flooding Facebook and Twitter comment sections praising God for returning to the White House. Not only is that ignorant but it also reminds us that many people, in times past and currently, call themselves Christians but harbor some of the worst bigoted, hateful views unlike most any other belief system in the world. We have seen them described as "good Christian folks" and "fine American citizens". Well, those descriptions were of folks who did the most heinous, most soulless things history has ever recorded and who knows what didn't get recorded that was done. Despite what you think about our current President, he is not only not God in the flesh but he is also not even proclaiming to be a Christian. This flies in the face of the comments that are so easily found by so called believers who are telling everyone within ear shot that class and dignity have returned to the White House. (Translation: Class and dignity were not there for the last eight years. We'll come back to that part later.) These commenters are directly what is wrong with the church as we know it today. They stand up boldly proclaiming to be believers of the Bible and all things holy but they carry such loathing, hatefulness, and a gross misinterpretation of the Scriptures that they lead more people into condemnation than they do helping people get out of it.

I will acknowledge right now that anybody can change and grow and become better people but as it stands now, there is much to question about the President and members of his cabinet and much of the things we are hearing in the news. No one is questioning whether he is a Born Again Believer or not. I don't know any long time Christian that even has a question. So for all those Bible-believing friends of ours on the internet saying that God has returned to the White House, the God that many Christians serve isn't blind, dumb, and he will have no other Gods before Him. Might be time for you to check your relationship status. Not on Facebook, I meant with the Lord.

Secondly, the stating of the Lord's Prayer is influential in so many ways. It means something when my grandchildren recite it before they lay down to sleep. It meant something when I used to recite it in public school. It means something when I read it in the Bible and ponder its meaning. I won't question if it means anything to Mrs. Trump. You decide that and if the timing of it should be questioned. At the moment, I don't really care. The prayer touches the heart of many Americans because it appears to suggest that a respect or reverence for the Word of God and prayer has returned to the forefront of our government. This, however, does not certify that a believer is speaking it. A man can recite a favorite poem about liberty and freedom and still go home and treat his wife like a second class citizen. A woman can retweet a post about how great America is and still covertly hate the melting pot of cultures and uniqueness that we have seen around us for centuries. In other words, it's not an automatic indicator that the reciter is a believer of what is being recited. In a world where people are starting to question what they hear and consider carefully before digesting what they are being fed, it is strange how readily accepted this instance is. My only point here is that anyone can recite the Lord's Prayer or say things deemed acceptable from a religious view but it doesn't mean that they believe. It's important that we don't get religion mixed up with relationship with the Creator. When Moses went to the mount to meet with God, it was out of a relationship with Him and a reverence for who He is. The people he left down at the bottom of the mountain were religious. They made their own god and they forged their own rules and it was out of a selfish, flawed design and not out of a loving relationship with Jehovah. Just a thought.

Thirdly and finally, the comments coming from "Christians" regarding this are stomach-churning and vile. The intimation that the previous administration was without class or dignity brings to mind a question. And I have heard this kind of commenting before so it's not like it's original in thought or idea but does this lack of class and dignity have anything to do with the color of the former administrations' skin or is it about their politics? Cue the hate mongers. I'm just asking if this has been considered before pressing "Send". No one seems willing to do this nowadays. I had as big a problem as anyone with the Obama Administration with some policies, both foreign and domestic, approach to our enemies abroad, and what appeared to be sympathy towards a belief system starkly contrasted from the heavily religious (Christian)-laden tones and cues in 2008 and some years after that. I got plenty of issues but the idea that now the White House has class, style, and dignity begs more explanation, particularly because of all that is taking place in the administration in less than a few months. I can't stand when someone pretends to be one thing knowing that they are exactly the opposite. Religion has a tarnished name because people have purported to be holy and good and have cheated, swindled, and used people in the name of religion. Relationship is indicative of people who strive daily to reach what destiny dictates they can aspire to but have not yet fully become. People aren't marching because they had a free Saturday -- they are seeing racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, and whatever else you can add in and they are not willing to be silent about it. It would be dignified and classy to acknowledge these concerns as legitimate and using one's reach to do something about it, rather than summarily dismissing it as bogus or fake. Just something else to consider.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. Hopefully, we can search our hearts on some of these matters and truly consider the following words. Let's pray like Jesus instructed His disciples to pray.

OUR Father,

which art in Heaven,

Hallowed be THY NAME.


Thy will be done in Earth, As it is in Heaven.

Give us this day OUR DAILY BREAD,

And forgive us our trespasses,

As WE FORGIVE them that trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom, The Power, and the Glory. For ever and ever. Amen.

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