Wednesday, April 19, 2017

BOrN tO Die

Hey guys,

Quick editorial note: This post is not designed to be informational as it relates to the legalities and the personal situation of Mr. Hernandez or any affiliations or personal relationships connected to him. This is just my attempt (hopefully a successful one) to make us think and evaluate what we see and hear. This isn't an animal at the zoo that we point and laugh at. This is a human being with real issues. Thank you.  

If you're a dedicated fan of the National Football League, then you know and have seen glimpses of the potential talent of one Aaron Hernandez. There were times in his playing days when the Patriots offense looked unstoppable with Hernandez and Rob Gronkowski on the other side. They were a force to be reckoned with for sure. But apparently underneath a wealth of talent lied some serious issues from gang affiliations, violent crimes, and perhaps even multiple double murders. One person related to the NFL considered Hernandez the "ultimate chameleon".

As of April 19th, 2017, Aaron Hernandez was found dead in his Massachusetts prison cell appearing to have hung himself with the bed sheets in the cell. There's some speculation to the cause of death.

The radio waves and on air broadcasts are rife with not only speculation but also with deeper philosophical questions such as "Should we mourn for an alleged quadruple murderer?" to somber sentiments expressing sorrow for his family who is left behind and a perceived waste of an uber-talented potential superstar.

You don't have to love football to get involved in this discussion but I wanted to offer some questions to get some thoughts going?

  • In your opinion, does Aaron Hernandez deserve to die for his crimes?
  • Was justice served from start to finish?
  • If suicide was determined to be the cause of death, do you consider this a cowardly and selfish act?
  • Do you believe that Aaron Hernandez was guilty of murder or was he just a really bad person?
  • Is it possible to be radically changed by the company we keep or is it solely our choice?
  • What would your role be in Aaron Hernandez's life if he were still alive and you were his friend or relative?
  • In the court of public opinion, how does one judge if someone is guilty or not? (Be specific)
  • How do you honestly feel about the death and life of Aaron Hernandez?

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts in the comment section. Feel free to add your own questions there also. Have a great day!

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