Wednesday, April 12, 2017

ThE lAsT DayS - A PoeM tHaT WoN't rHYme

These are the days when I wonder how my "family" could say they believe the Word but ignore the parts that don't suit their tastes, bias, and preferences.

These are the days when I have to remind myself out loud that I am not perfect and I make mistakes.  

These are the days when I have to check myself to ensure I'm not slipping into judgment.

These are the days when I wonder why the Lord doesn't wipe out certain things that are destructive to His kingdom plans.

These are the days when I am grateful that he doesn't do that or I might not survive either.

These are the days when I question how a brother or sister in the Lord can be so cold, calculating, manipulative, self-serving, vindictive, judgmental, self-righteous, disconnected, heartless, selfish, arrogant, proud, slanderous, willfully blind, controlling, rigid, gossip-loving, dishonest, and just downright ugly.

These are the days when I scurry to check the list and make sure I'm not becoming what I loath. 

These are the days when I cry because I see disaster for my brother and sister and all I can do is pray. They won't return my calls.

These are the days when I am more concerned if they can even hear the Lord anymore. His call is way more important than mines.

These are the days I mourn for people who have left us and went unfulfilled.

These are the days I mourn for people who have big, impressive-sounding titles and are still unfulfilled.

These are the days I get really angry at the countless people that shoved out of our buildings just because they don't meet the cliquish, social club-like standards.

These are the days I just hope and pray that I am not so angry that I obsess over the ninety nine and forget about the one.

These are the days I post stuff like this and wonder how many friends I will lose.

These are the days I press "Send", remembering who really matters at the end of the day.

Grateful and Thankful 

#GodIsNotDead #HeCanSeeYou

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Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...