Tuesday, April 11, 2017

ThE LaSt sTRaW

I ran into an old post from my sports writing days from about five years ago or so and I thought this would be a perfect time to bring this discussion back to the sports forefront.

We're in a place in the sports sphere where NFL fans are digesting heavy portions of draft talk and clamoring for late April to have some connection with the sport they love most. Then you have diehard NBA fans that are taking in the stories like real or imagined beef with Steph Curry and other NBA superstars, or the surprising Boston Celtics, or questions like can the Golden State Warriors win it all. If you don't care for those storylines, you have the MLB season underway and hopefully, your team is not already tanking the 2017 season. Now that March Madness is over, if you don't have hockey as a sports interest, this is what you have to choose from. 

Do you know what it's like to be a "DIE-HARD"? What does that mean in basic terms? Do you consider yourself a diehard? Is there anything that could possibly tear you from your favorite sports team? Listening to the abundance of fan comments in person, on fan pages, and other social media, I am convinced that most "diehard" fans are arguably the most dishonest people in the world. Not bad people but just dishonest. The true diehards are excluded from this. I meant most fans that call themselves diehard. There's a huge difference between loyalty and willful blindness.

I've been watching sports for more than 40 years, 35 of those years were with more dedication and cognizance of what was actually going on. That previous post was about my New York Knicks and in my humble opinion, well warranted. What a cataclysm cluster-bomb of tomfoolery, ignorance, mismanagement, and buffoonery! Those are all the big words I'll be using today! It was flat out how badly this team performed and how the front office and upper management managed. It was just unfair to the faithful fans of New York City that have supported this franchise. But this is only one example.

What about the Cleveland Browns? The Philadelphia 76ers? The Vancouver Canucks? The Seattle Mariners? Teams with a rich history and a fan base that has stuck it out for decades only to come up short when it counts or to start the season badly and end it in even more embarrassing fashion. 

What would it take for you to say goodbye to your favorite team? Some of my friends say all they have to do is leave the city, a la Baltimore (as in Colts) or Seattle (as in Sonics), and that would be more than enough to abandon the franchise. I have even heard some responses over the year that giving up or not resigning their favorite player is grounds for die-hard dismissal. There's even a smaller contingent that say that the league can't possibly do anything that would remove them from their favorite team's favor. The opinions are broad and varying no matter where I ask this. What would it take for you to permanently say "no more" to your favorite team? Is there anything that could make you leave the sport entirely? These are nearly impossible scenarios to most of you but for me, it is not so impossible. I have already felt that one sport in particular has changed so much and has sucked the excitement out of it that I find it unwatchable. The entire sport is unwatchable and I grew up playing it. What's the last straw for you? Love to hear your thoughts.

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