Monday, May 1, 2017

Is iT yOUr TimE?

Is it your time?  

You're thinking about the ominous specter of death. That's not where I would like you to focus today. However, if focusing on that makes you appreciate the little moments that matter most and evaluate how you use the precious opportunity you've been given then so be it.

I'm thinking more along the lines of the things that we clamor after. Without the guidance and wisdom that we need, we often live out of sequence and see things out of focus. We are suffering from a spiritual imbalance. When we ask, we often ask with bad motives. Sometimes we don't ask at all-- we just expect or we just take or steal what we think we deserve. It's impossible to count how many lives have been destroyed by lust. It always seems like we want what we cannot have. That's likely because we don't believe that we are special and valued and that there is a specific, tailor made destiny just for us. No one can take it. It is yours and it awaits you. It's all in the timing.

Do you think you are better suited to be promoted to supervisor than the person they actually chose?

Do you think you would make a better team leader than the person actually teaching the class?

Does seeing your friend with the cutest little baby make you want one of your own?

Does riding in your bestie's new Mustang make you want to buy one even if your finances don't permit it at this time?

Can you see yourself doing a better job of leading than the leader already instituted? You'd be surprised at the thoughts that lurk in our minds when it comes to this kind of stuff. I know a lady (not know but I know) that believes she is the true, ordained wife of a popular international minister. He is already married but for her, that's besides the point. She wants what is not hers. Doing so continually has many unenviable results. The most important is that she forfeits what is really hers that is better and more suited for her. A perfect fit that she may never get the chance to see come to fruition.

Have you ever pondered if you used the time that you have been given effectively?

Did you miss your opportunity?

Has that life-changing moment passed you by?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says 'For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."

But then when the disciples asked Jesus in Acts Chapter 1:6-7 about the timing of his restoration of the Kingdom, his response was so, "It is not for you to know the times and seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority."

Whoa! It sounds to me that there is a timing that is specific for us but it is not for us to know before time and rests in the Lord's hands only. That could include your promotion, your breakthrough, your exodus out of a bad situation, and your next level.

Broken down into bite sized pieces, it's ridiculous to long for what someone else has when there is something incredible paved and tailor made just for you specifically. 

This is just a little encouragement that whatever you have been longing for, that has to this day escaped you, is still in play. 

It may not come when you want it but it's always right on time.

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