Monday, May 1, 2017

ThaNk YoUs

Over recent years, I've become a huge proponent of appreciating those in my life. Essentially, I want to give my flowers to the living. I'm almost 100% positive the living will appreciate it.

There's a saying (not old I guess) that people are in your life for one of three reasons : 1) A reason, 2) A season, or 3) A lifetime.

I've met all of the above. In almost every single case, each individual was unclear of which category they fell into. I realized after years of heartbreak, being tricked and cheated, and just losing valuable moments, that it wasn't my job to explain to these people where they specifically fit. Even if I wanted something God didn't want for me, the crux was that I needed to know where they were prioritized in my life. If they get it wrong, they'll figure it out. If you get it wrong, you lose out!

But in all those learning experiences, I'm embracing my need for gratitude. I believe in saying THANK YOU so here goes....

So THANK YOU to all the Judas that took my kindness for weakness. I still give love freely because GOD gave it to me the same way.

THANK YOU to the Calebs who saw the bigness of what God had for us and believed it was possible when everyone else said it's too big.

THANK YOU to the Aarons and Hurs that kept my arms up when I was too weak to keep going and I would've lost the battle if I tried to fight alone.

THANK YOU to all the Mordecais that use their position and influence to further the Kingdom of God even in the face of adversity and persecution.

THANK YOU to all the Sauls whose goal in life was to see me fall. Eventually, you'll see that I've been more of a friend than you deserve and the real enemy is you.

THANK YOU to all the Jethros that through wisdom helped bring stability and sound leadership strategy to businesses, government, and to the church.

THANK YOU to all the Labans who have cheated and used deceit so they can get more. I will be judged for why I gave. You will be judged for why you took. I'll take my chances.

THANK YOU to all the Aquilas and Priscillas that do the work of the ministry and carry significant weight but garner little, if any, recognition.

THANK YOU to all the Jabez's who are only known for their prayers. That matters more than most anything else.

THANK YOU to all the Johnathans that love me without condition even when everything around says otherwise! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

THANK YOU for being you. I'm a stronger, better man because of you.

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