Some of my friends think this is foolishness.
Some of my friends don't understand what makes this so incredible.
Some of my friends won't even explore this out of curiosity.
Some of my friends totally get why this is the best thing going in movies today.
I probably need some new friends. LOL.

The storylines are tight and very well told. The action is enough to make you jump out of your seat. It has become the premier movie experience. Stop trying to compare it to the Notebook! That's not what this is! This is cinema movie magic if you will.
The franchise has done what most movie franchises have been unable to accomplish. They have mastered the delicate mix of tapping into every emotion in the spectrum. Anger when a loathed villain fells your favorite character. Sadness when a classic hero is killed. Jubilation when the heroes rise through adversity and overcome the tyranny of their enemies and save the world. And nothing but non stop action and twists and turns in the middle of it all. And if you don't remember some of the now classic lines in this franchise, you were probably looking at your smartphone instead of the movie screen.
Aside from all the obvious high points that make some of my friends look at me like I got two heads, there's another point that I'd be remiss if I ignored. These movies have somehow managed to remind us of happier times in our childhood.
Even if unintended, it helps me recall to the forefront my inner youth. Simpler times I guess. Times where I thought I could do anything and I was invincible. Perhaps misguided but honestly, the movies just make you feel good and they're flat out entertaining.
Thor. Doctor Strange. The X-Men. The Incredible Hulk. Captain America. Loki. Hawkeye. Black Widow. Anything?
If you only watched the PowderPuff girls and Josie and the Pussycats, then this will be lost on you but if not, you have to retain fond memories of The Amazing Spider Man. Captain Marvel. Iron Man. The Fantastic Four (just ignore the movie franchise). Ant Man. Daredevil. Guardians of the Galaxy (I am Groot!)
I did my best to convince you that the Marvel movie franchise is worth giving it a shot.
Here is a short list of the upcoming films in the franchise for your consideration:
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - May 5th, 2017
Spiderman: Homecoming - July 7th, 2017
Thor: Ragnarok - November 3rd, 2017
Black Panther - February 16th, 2018
And Avengers: Infinity War (Parts 1 and 2) - May 4th, 2018
It's common for the moviemakers to retread boring and overly used premises into sequel after sequel but it's rare to have some fresh storytelling and be action packed at the same time. There are some movie franchises that originate from cartoons and comic books (no names mentioned) that try to do this well but they pale in comparison to this. They do it very well. Enjoy the experience!
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