Thursday, June 1, 2017

wHaT iS LovE?

Love is a four letter word.
But when it's spoken to you, it builds you up. It should never tear you down.

Love makes you want to fly higher than you have before.
And still always have room in one's heart to fly with a partner.

Love takes a bag of lemons that you had to grudgingly sacrifice your last dime to buy and lovingly make gallons of lemonade that you give away to others for free. (Hint: This is not about juice!)

Love puts the dagger into the hands of a friend and trusts them never to use it on you.

Love doesn't withhold its affections until it's convenient. It's always a great time to love while you are still able to.

Love gives your only and your best even when you know the "receivers" will probably not appreciate your gift.

Love takes a lump of coal and squeezes out a beautiful diamond.
It does so without waiting for a "Thank You" or some sign of approval. Love just does it without condition.

Love always perseveres when it's easier to quit, keeps hoping that the truth prevails, protects without hesitation, and has no file cabinet for dirty deeds done against it.

Love covers a multitude of sinful deeds. It doesn't lie or cover up for the sinner but it loves the sinner without conditions for that affection.

Love is the only eraser for indelible ink when written on one's heart.

Love is seeing that you may not be at fault this time but you've been wrong plenty of times. That makes you reach into your bag of grace to share with someone else.

Love is authentic when it mirrors God's words, God's character, and God's example.

Love is not afraid to fail. Love will lay down everything that one calls valuable or indispensable just to save a friend.

Love allows frequent excursions into the chambers of your heart, asking every visitor to keep what they see confidential and trusting them to do so.

Love is an old song that reminds you of you first believed when you need it most in your life. It is a sure shield when you are under attack from fiery darts and the warmest blanket on the coldest of nights.

Love willfully does for others what one would want done for them.

Love does good towards one's enemies, without any expectation of a return or a reward, remembering that the reward for this comes later.

Love does not fail....EVER.

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Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...