Wednesday, September 20, 2017

THe REaL AmeriCAN QuiZ

Do you consider yourself a "Real American"?
We'll find out.

52 states, 52 questions

Perhaps you will find this quiz enjoyable. Or not. Mirror Time With Mr. Yu is going to do what we always do: Make You Laugh, Make You Cry, Or Make You Think!

1) Were you born and raised in this country?
2) Do you see the American Flag as an important symbol of this country?
3) Do you like the sport of baseball?
4) On Thanksgiving, do you think about the Native American people and their plight?
5) Is the exercising of free speech something you could not live without?
6) Do you feel more patriotic at your 4th of July barbecue?
7) What is your willingness to donate to local and national charities? (Scale of 1 to 10)
8) Name every president of the U.S. starting from the first to the most current.
9) Do you connect drinking beer with loving your country? If so, why?
10) Have you ever been to a third world country? Do you prefer that place to the U.S.?
11) Whose face is on the quarter (25 cents)?
12) What do you normally do with your family on Labor Day?
13) How do you celebrate Veterans Day even if you don't know any veterans?
14) Would you prefer to live in the Midwest rather than on either coast? If so, why?
15) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
16) How do you celebrate Presidents Day? Does any of these activities involve new furniture?
17) Is Christmas the most significant or the least significant holiday of the year?
18) Are the sound of bagpipes annoying or relaxing?
19) Can you accurately describe every aspect of the one dollar bill?
20) Is football your hands down favorite sport?
21) Do you stand up and cheer when Snoopy's float appears in the Thanksgiving Day parade?
22) Do you think Taylor Swift represents America and its values?
23) What's the #1 reason that would make you move to Canada or to some other foreign country?
24) Does "Uncle Sam" instill confidence in you or does he make you nervous?
25) When you come upon a homeless or destitute person, what is the first response of a "True American"?
26) If you could have one wish for America as a country, what would it be? (You cannot say "A Utopian Government")
27) Is blond hair and blue eyes American?
28) If you were not born in this country, would you pick any other country over the U.S.?
29) What is the address to the White House?
30) What is your all time favorite American meal?
31) If there was one book that symbolized America to you, what would that be? (Racists that dropped out of 4th grade need not answer- you're exempt.)
32) If someone says "America is evil", what is the appropriate response of a "Real American"?
33) Do you believe that if everyone said what they thought, the country and world would be a better or worse place?
34) What is the appropriate condiment for a hot dog: Mustard or Ketchup?
35) What is the appropriate condiment for a hamburger: Mayonnaise, Ketchup, or Mustard?
36) Do you know what the meaning of the stars and stripes on the American Flag symbolize?
37) When was America founded?
38) Who said "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”?
39) How many stripes are on the American flag?
40) What is still the most watched TV finale in television history?
41) What is the most popular color (paint and clothing) in America?
42) Whose presidential faces are on Mount Rushmore?
43) What is the most popular music genre in America?
44) Whose face is on the one hundred dollar bill?
45) Which is not a nickname of New York City, "Melting Pot", "The City That Never Sleeps", "The Big Apple", or "The Empire City"?
46) Which is America's most popular pie, Strawberry, Apple, Pecan, or Coconut Cream?
47) What, in your hometown or where you currently live, best symbolizes what America means to you?
48) What is the least popular color (paint and clothing) in America?
49) What is America's most popular ice cream flavor, Cookies & Cream or Chocolate?
50) What is the most kind hearted act you performed this year so far?
51) What is your all time favorite candy?
52) Which American city is home to the Liberty Bell?

Bonus Question: What is the one thing about this country that makes you the most proud?

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MiRRor TimE WiTh MisTAyu - InTrO

Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...