Friday, September 22, 2017

SomEtHIng tO ReFLecT oN

Is it possible to provide too much information about ourselves on social media? "Baby's First Poop" and a half eaten Pork Chop with gravy and Scalloped Potatoes might be best left out of your selfies. T.M.I.

Just the way "believers" behave themselves proves that we don't understand grace so we will not readily detect when it has run out.

It could very well be plausible that there is no such thing as an "All-American". Please forward all comments and criticisms to

A person experiencing mental and emotional torment looks just like you and I, are "good people", have children and responsibilities like we do, and hold down a good job just like we do, and, wait for it, attend church every Sunday like we do. So why are they still tormented?

I'm starting to wonder if there is more than one "Jesus Christ" out there because I hear music artists who receive awards thank Him and honor Him as Lord and Savior but He can't be found in one of their songs. Maybe He uses a stage name.

Still waiting for an answer from the ladies on why married women or those spoken for by a significant other still post selfies that are slanted and angled to accentuate their bosoms. All I have so far is "no comment".

Is the distance between driving while texting and vehicular homicide or manslaughter really as far from each other as you think?

Fantasy football has the ability to desensitize us if we let it. You know it's started when a player with a family goes down with a horrific injury on the field, we plop back in frustration in our chairs and feverishly figure out how this will affect our roster. 

Even if you hold all the facts and you are absolutely correct in your assessment of a situation, a lack of integrity and solid character makes you wrong every time.

Since the early days of civilization, many have tried to make something holy or good that at it's core is unholy. Even today's churches rent their facilities out so many of these activities can take place. 

You can tell what you worship and give the most honor to by where you spend most of your time and whom you spend it with.

The previous administration wasn't close to being my favorite and I saw a lot of negatives but it's hard to read my timeline and not wonder if Obama is the most hated and vilified President of modern times for reasons other than his politics. It made me immediately question what my "friends" think about me. Hmmm.

The true disciple learns, not so that they can teach others, but so that they can learn and grow themselves.

There are strong indications that some end time prophecy is starting to take shape. In order to have medical care, you will need to be implanted with an RFID chip in your forehead or arm. SOUL-searching!

You know something is amiss when your friend who hates reading and never liked school plays "Gynaecia" in Words With Friends.

Is it possible to stand up for the anthem, place your hand across your chest, lift your head up high and say the words in concert with everyone around you and still not believe in what you're saying? 

In times of storm and tragedy, some people say God doesn't exist because if He did, in their estimation, He would eradicate all evil and there'd only be good on Earth. If He eradicated all evil and showed no mercy or grace, Earth would be uninhabited by human beings. 

A true test of our humanity is to scroll past the islands and towns that were decimated by storms and still find a place to post a complaint about how hard our lives are.

Who regularly goes back through their timeline and looks at what they wrote and shared? Exactly. We can't get back the words we launch into the online world once they've been loosed. We can't get the rocks we have thrown at others before they land where they're thrown.

If the Bible accurately notes that the path to destruction is wide and broad and many follow it but the path to life is narrow and few even find it, why is so easy for us to follow the "crowds" and have "crowds" follow us? Where are we heading exactly?

What makes you go "Dang"? Share in the comments. We would love to hear yours. 

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