Thursday, March 9, 2017

FrIEnDs - PaRt 1

On your way to achieving something significant in this life, you will encounter stumbling blocks, trials, and other assorted twists and turns that end up becoming climaxes in novel or a story that elicits "Oohs and Aahs" from your party guests. But putting your heart into the hands of another is not cool. It takes trust and faith and at any moment under the right circumstances, it could turn ugly and fast!

Even the most religious and pious of you would not consider this but so much because of the massive amount of discomfort it would cause but have you considered the greatest friend in history? It's not Jonathan, who was a friend to soon to be King David and was a shining example of what friendship and brotherhood looks like in its purest form. He sacrificed his relationship with his father, Saul, who hated David and deemed him a threat to his kingdom, even to the point that he ordered the deaths of innocent men just because he thought they betrayed and conspired against him and his throne. Jonathan also sacrificed his opportunity to be king someday all in one fell swoop. He loved David like a brother and he risked his own life for his friend. The Bible talks about Jesus being the ultimate friend in that he gave up everything, most notably, his life. This incredible sacrifice transferred us from the realm of servant into friendship. Here's a twist for you. Would you give your life and heart in friendship knowing full well that the receivers of said gift will betray you and turn against you?

Social media has become a great example of the need for a "redefining" of friendship. Some of my friends post about how physically sick they are, a disease that they daily battle with, what their toddlers said, and every meal they consume in a day. And sometimes they may even show you their body parts in an attempt to get attention for themselves. Social media is a very weird place to be honest but it exposes many truths in this area. In the online world, the people that comment on our pages, share pictures with us, and join us in various groups are described as "friends".

One of the enemy's biggest weapons is the ability to hide in plain sight. While you evaluate self and surroundings, don't only look for people that create 'drama' or the ones that your confidants don't like to be around. This may sound blasphemous to you but look at those trusted confidants that run to your aid and who you tell your deepest, darkest secrets to, advise you on how to deal with your spouse, and are the first to say "I'm here for you, hon" and bring you fresh baked goods when you post on Facebook how horrible your life is. Maybe they're not who they say they are. I find it impossible to have friendship without sacrifice.

Real friends encourage you. Real friends tell you the truth. Real friends step back and step up when you need either. Real friends help you be a better you not the you that you selfishly wants to be sometimes. Real friends don't feed your addiction. They try to help you get free of it. Real friends don't buy you carbs when you're on a diet. They will get a salad instead. Real friends know that they have your heart, your secrets, your weaknesses within reach. Real friends refuse to take advantage of that access. Be vigilant, watchful, and alert. Especially in these times....(I John 4:1)

Just a few hours scrolling through my timeline reminds me that many of us don't understand the concept of friendship and thus, we fall victim to the same woes that we post and tweet about. Not understanding the purpose of a thing is the precursor to abusing said thing. If you don't know the full meaning of a friend and understand how it looks in application, you're more than likely to not appreciate it and likely to abuse it. This life can get hard and the road through it gets long and bumpy. It gets a little easier walking with someone genuine and authentic. If you have one of these, be grateful, thankful, and appreciative. They are rarer than you might think.

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Hi, I wanted to formally introduce myself to you in this medium. I'm Yusef. My friends call me everything from "Yu" to "...